Education, study and knowledge

The 5 best School Reinforcement Centers in Sabadell

Espai Lusitània is a training center located in Sabadell that has professionals specialized in training courses for adults, classes of review in the field of children and adolescents, as well as academic support for people of all ages in general, also the third age.

The center offers a remarkable quality school reinforcement service specialized in infant, primary, secondary, high school courses, modules, selectivity and entrance exams.

These review classes are held in small groups and are characterized by permanent contact with the student. In addition, these aim to help students with learning disabilities, those who want to acquire solvent study techniques and improve skills such as concentration and organization in the study.

Spectrum is a school reinforcement center, psychology and speech therapy that serves children, adolescents and young people of all ages. At present it has more than 20 years of experience since its foundation and its working method is based on creating personalized intervention plans adapted to each person in particular.

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The center's professionals are specialized in offering a re-education service and study techniques, where students with special educational needs are cared for; and also a reinforcement service in the areas of primary, ESO, Baccalaureate and Selectividad.

In the reinforcement classes study skills are taught, as well as organizational skills, they are solved doubts, controls are made and specific classes are taught by teachers specialized.

The professionals of Clip Sabadell are specialized in offering a wide variety of comprehensive school reinforcement services for children and adolescents of all ages online and in person.

The center has spacious classrooms perfectly equipped where reinforcement classes are given, which can be individual or in small groups. In these classes, special emphasis is placed on teaching the student study techniques and addressing any learning difficulties that she may present.

In addition to that, the professionals of the center assist and guide the students at all times to improve in areas such as expression writing, reading speed, attention, perception, memory and in specific subjects with which you may have difficulty.

The Center D’Estudis Sabadell He specializes in academic and professional training for people of all ages and in the areas of school reinforcement, languages ​​and learning new technologies.

The intervention in the school reinforcement environment of the center is characterized by the creation of small class-groups, the establishment of personalized study plans adapted to each student and also by an exhaustive monitoring of students in every moment.

In addition to that, the center has a wide flexibility of schedules where each student can choose the one that suits them best.

The Athena Center D'Estudis has a large team of multidisciplinary professionals specialized in offering an academic support and reinforcement service school in the primary, Eso and Baccalaureate courses through a methodology of the center that has more than demonstrated its success.

The school reinforcement of the center is characterized by personalized attention at all times and by a ratio of 2-3 students per teacher in each class. Besides that, the center also offers intensive remedial courses for ESO and Baccalaureate subjects in the summer.

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