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The 5 best Perinatal Psychology Centers in Madrid

TAP Center is a reference clinic in perinatal psychology located in the city of Madrid. It is made up of a multidisciplinary team made up of professionals from different specialties, such as health psychology, sexology, psychiatry and psychopedagogy.

The team of professionals work together to find the most effective treatment for each patient, offering a personalized service focused on solving each problem on a case-by-case basis.

The more than 10 years of experience in the treatment of different types of psychopathologies endorse this center as one of the most important places in Madrid, where you can receive identification, analysis, advice and support services throughout the entire treatment psychological.

Some of the most common problems that require the assistance of specialized psychologists are fear of childbirth, the situations in which abortion can occur, fertility problems, grief before, during and after childbirth, etc.

El Prado Psychologists is a Perinatal Psychology center that is oriented both to the prevention and to the solution of related problems with the psychological effects that can occur in the previous stages and throughout the process of pregnancy and raising children children.

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Perinatal psychological help allows us to understand why we feel insecurities, emotional changes and fears when we enter into pregnancy. In this center you will be able to know the most effective tools, put them into practice and thus be able to have a pregnancy with greater emotional stability.

Among the main treatments carried out, psychological support stands out in the following areas:

  • Difficulty getting pregnant
  • Psychological infertility
  • Anxiety in pregnancy
  • Fear of childbirth
  • Overcoming abortion

Thus, El Prado Psychologists is also a great option when looking for this type of support.

The Calma Psychology Center It was one of the first psychological centers in Madrid specialized in Perinatal Psychology. The team of psychologists and psychiatrists are highly qualified for this type of psychological problem, and have a long experience behind them.

When we need a psychologist who is an expert in perinatal psychology, we are faced with a process of accompaniment of some women who need assistance during the pregnancy period until the breeding.

Throughout the pregnancy process, women are subjected to a series of hormonal and emotional changes that affect women's psychology in diverse ways, from joy and euphoria to sadness and fear.

Thanks to perinatal psychology, people can have adequate assistance to learn to manage these feelings in a a moment as delicate as pregnancy, or in situations of abortion or pregnancy problems that can cause psychological problems important.

Natalia Valverde She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Theory from the Complutense University of Madrid. She specializes in baby assessment and is a member and faculty at the Association for Children's Mental Health, where she teaches seminars on perinatal psychology.

Throughout her career, she has treated children and adolescents for psychological disorders such as behavioral disorders and learning disorders. She has also helped women manage the period before, during and after pregnancy.

She has helped women who have suffered miscarriage, traumatic childbirth, and anxiety problems during the pre and post pregnancy phases.

The Doctor Oliveros Group she has professionals specialized in perinatal psychology, where psychologists work together with patients in the processes of prevention, care and support for women and families who are in the process from pregnancy to birth. breeding.

In this process, accompaniment and the parental relationship are worked to strengthen the bond between mother and child. The objective is to understand and prepare the mother and the family for the birth of a new family member, addressing different psychological aspects that influence this process.

The main problems that perinatal psychology faces are the following:

  • Fertility problems
  • Anxiety during pregnancy
  • Fear of childbirth
  • Abortion situations
  • Traumatic delivery

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