Education, study and knowledge

Mindfulness therapy in Madrid: the 10 best options

The center Mindfulness Vivendi offers a course of learning of this type of therapy so novel. This learning program is focused on both educators and therapists and also anyone want to learn this cutting-edge technique and fully master it at the end of the course.

This Mindfulness technique learning course is based on the prestigious MBSR stress reduction program, but the effects of this technique They have been shown to also affect a large number of other disorders, such as anxiety, depression, addictions and a long etcetera.

In addition to that, Mindfulness therapy improves learning in relaxation, attention, management of emotions, problem management and in achieving a state of balance and total fulfillment in the patient.

The psychological therapy center Centrum Psychologists It is another one that we must take into account if we wish to receive Mindfulness therapy in the city of Madrid.

This center is committed to psychological care based on different therapeutic approaches to finally achieve a comprehensive treatment, also taking into account innovative techniques such as clinical hypnosis, Mindfulness or therapy EMDR.

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Regarding Mindfulness therapy we can highlight that it is applied in Centrum Psychologists for experienced professionals and that is based on the therapeutic power of the person's awareness and attention focused. This therapy is effective, for example, in reducing anxiety and stress, in the therapy of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, addictions, chronic pain and insomnia, among others alterations.

The next center we will talk about is the Psychodipia Center. In this center, the psychologist Elsa García León offers therapeutic care based on Mindfulness, both to children, youth and adults.

This psychologist has acquired, over almost 15 years, a great command of Mindfulness therapy, a treatment that has proven useful in both adults and children in controlling impulses and from anxiety, resistance to frustration, acquiring states of relaxation, reflecting on one's thoughts and increasing cognitive flexibility, as well as decision-making.

  • You may be interested: "Mindfulness: 8 benefits of mindfulness"

He came in Positive you It is an entity of positive psychology, coaching, Mindfulness, physiotherapy and meditation.

Among the benefits provided by this use of Mindfulness we can highlight the improvement of concentration, the decrease in anxiety and stress, the enhancement of communication and personal relationships and the decrease in the tendency to irritability.

The Integral Psicopopuli Center It is one of the most relevant in terms of Mindfulness therapy treatment in Madrid.

This center offers psychological care both individually for adults, youth and children as well as in couples. In addition to that, the professional from the Psicopopuli center works on his therapy with the EMDR and Mindfulness methods.

The Mindfulness therapy offered by this center is generally applied in an integral way to other psychological therapies to achieve a more complete treatment. What Mindfulness brings to the patient usually translates into learning in the control of impulses, a reduction in anxiety, treatment for chronic pain, obsessions and other disorders.

The Mindfulness corner is a center that carries out activities and informative workshops on Mindfulness therapy in the city of Madrid.

In it, professionals in this therapy give learning courses on it at a theoretical and practical level.

On Yoga Center A great variety of therapies inspired by meditation are carried out, as well as courses that teach in detail how to apply each of these therapies, including Mindfulness.

It is one of the best known centers in the capital of Spain.

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