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The 12 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Toledo

The psychologist Maria Martin is a specialist in attending to any type of query or problem in the field of the couple and its services are offered online with all possible comforts.

You can contact her to start sessions.

The Institute of Psychode Psychology It opened its doors in 2006 and for more than 15 years it has been serving people of all ages, as well as in the family and couples environment.

The center's team of therapists is specialized in attending any consultation online, applying together various therapies of proven efficacy, among which the Brief Therapy or The Therapy EMDR.

In this center you will find the ideal professional to attend to cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, sexual and relationship disorders, addictions, family conflicts or trauma.

The psychologist Dove king She is a specialist in serving people of all ages online, that is, children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families.

Her intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy, with which she treats cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, family conflicts, emotional dependence and problems derived from pregnancy or motherhood.

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Paloma Rey is a Graduate in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Care to People with Intellectual Disabilities from the same university and she has a Master's Degree in General Psychology Sanitary

The psychologist Elena Berazaluce Painted She has a Master in Forensic Psychology, she is an expert in child and adolescent psychotherapy and also in couples therapy.

Her intervention is adapted to the needs of each person, mainly based on Systemic Family Therapy and some of her specialties are relationship problems, generalized anxiety disorders, and self-esteem.

The psychologist Noelia Ugena Sánchez She has a degree from UNED, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, she is an expert in legal psychology and has a Course in Clinical Hypnosis.

Her intervention model is cognitive-behavioral, based on modifying the negative thoughts that the person has in the present moment and is oriented to adults, couples and families.

Thus, some of her intervention specialties in the field of couples therapy are cases of aggressiveness, trauma, eating disorders and addictions.

The psychologist Immaculate Jiménez Rodríguez She has a Master's Degree in Limited Time Psychotherapy and Health Psychology, an expert in Intervention of the Psychosomatic Disorders and also an expert in Intervention of Anxiety, Affective and Pain Disorders Chronic.

Throughout her professional career, she has specialized in serving people of all ages, especially families and couples through a comprehensive therapy based on the Cognitive-behavioral approach and EMDR Therapy, among other currents therapeutic.

In addition, her intervention specialties include eating disorders, relationship problems, anxiety disorders and self-esteem problems.

The psychologist Sandra Romo Culebras She is an expert in treating all kinds of sexual and relationship disorders through the integrated application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance And Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness.

Some of the disorders that she successfully addresses in her consultation are sexual dysfunctions, deficits in social skills, grieving processes, self-esteem problems and disorders of anxiety.

In addition to that, some of her most notable professional qualifications are a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Master's Degree in Teacher Training and a course in Therapeutic Skills in Third Party Therapies Generation.

The professional Maribel Silva Garcia de Leon She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, she has a Master's Degree in Individual and Group Psychotherapy and also a Diploma in Clinical Sexology.

In his consultation he attends to any type of problem in couples who need it through therapy in which she integrates different orientations such as EMDR Therapy, Coaching or Intelligence Emotional.

Thus, some of the disorders that this psychologist addresses in the field of couples therapy are problems of communication, deficits in social skills, relationship problems, grieving processes and depression.

The psychologist Ignacio Torres Raised is a specialist in caring for adults and couples through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of the guidelines most recommended by professionals, along with other therapies such as Mindfulness or Coaching.

Through the joint application of these therapies, some of the main intervention specialties that Ignacio Torres attends to addictions, depression, anxiety disorders and self-esteem problems.

Thus, his qualifications include a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, a specialty in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology.

David bodhi He is a General Health Psychologist, specialist in Humanistic and Existential Psychotherapy and also has extensive experience attending to couples of all conditions in any problem that they may present, whether in the emotional, cognitive or behavioral.

His intervention is characterized by adapting the therapy at all times to the specific characteristics of the couple and some of the the areas that he addresses in his consultation are communication problems, jealousy, stagnation or problems in the field sexual.

The psychologist Sanitary Jesus Arellano González is a specialist in serving couples who have any type of query or problem through Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, orientation with which he attends to cases of depression, self-esteem problems and addictions.

Among his most relevant qualifications are a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the UNED, a Master's Degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and a specialty in Emotional Intelligence.

Jessica Lopez Palencia She is a General Health Psychologist, specialist in Clinical Psychologist, in anxiety problems and also in conduct disorders.

In her office, she attends to adults and couples through cognitive behavioral therapy, with which she addresses anxiety disorders, self-esteem problems and sleep disorders.

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