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Öst applied relaxation: characteristics, phases and components

Öst's applied relaxation it is considered, according to the treatment efficacy guidelines, a probably effective treatment for treating panic disorder. In addition, this treatment is also used for other anxiety disorders, such as dental phobia.

Is about one of the most used techniques in stress management. In this article we will know its characteristics, phases and components.

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Background: prior relaxation techniques

Öst's applied relaxation consists of a variation of the Berstein and Borkovec adaptation of Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation training (PMR).

1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (RMP)

Jacobson's RMP consists of a very complete relaxation technique that allows the patient to perceptively discriminate between feelings of tension and distention, as well as reducing your afferences.

  • You may be interested: "Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation: use, phases and effects"

2. Berstein and Borkovec relaxation technique

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For its part, the Berstein and Borkovec adaptation consists of a variation of Jacobson's RMP; it is a differential relaxation, in which the muscles related to an activity remain active, and the rest are relaxed.

The Berstein and Borkovec adaptation consists of train the patient based on three types of variables: position (sitting / standing), activity (active / not active) and place (quiet / not quiet).

Öst applied relaxation: characteristics

In Öst applied relaxation, all muscles will tense and relax at the same time. Then the process will be repeated at least once, tensing each muscle group for five to seven seconds and then relaxing it for twenty to thirty seconds. The patient will focus on feelings of tension and relaxation, respectively.

Throughout Öst's applied relaxation process the patient is taught to identify signs of anxiety and to implement relaxation techniques.

To start in this technique, the environmental conditions must be favorable, these being: a quiet environment, remain comfortably seated with your eyes closed, without excessive external noise and without the interference of stimuli that disturb a good concentration.

Components (edit)

The components or techniques of the treatment are two: relaxation and practice; hence its name: "relaxation" (RMP) + "applied" (live practice):

1. Progressive muscle relaxation (RMP)

This technique was originally designed by Jacobson, already commented.

2. Live practice

Öst's applied relaxation includes live practice of hierarchically presented anxiety situations to the patient.


Öst applied relaxation is made up of four phases that progressively decrease in terms of the time devoted to the relaxation process. They are as follows.

1. First phase: progressive relaxation

The first phase of relaxation includes learn to relax muscle groups separately. It begins with a previous tension, since the tension facilitates the subsequent relaxation. The different muscle areas are tightened and relaxed, while we must identify the sensations associated with both exercises.

The duration of each of the tensions will be approximately 3-4 seconds, and a pressure of 70% will be exerted to avoid the risk of muscle contractures.

The relaxation periods should be increased until reaching 20-30 seconds. At the end of the process of tensions and relaxation (which begins with the hands and continues from head to toe), take three diaphragmatic breaths to relax the whole body a little more.

2. Second phase: relaxation without tension

In this second phase, you will learn to relax by omitting tensions, trying to feel relaxation without the need to tense.

3. Third phase: differentiated relaxation

After at least 15 days (at least) practicing muscle relaxation, the goal will be to be able to achieve relaxation on your own concentrating on diaphragmatic breathing and the general feeling of relaxation.

Here the main objective will be to reach complete relaxation with your eyes closed. The three breaths will be taken and the body will relax completely. Once this is achieved, we will open our eyes and try to maintain the state of relaxation.

The goal will finally be to be able to selectively relax those muscle groups that are not involved in the movements we make.

4. Fourth phase: relaxation by signals

In this fourth and final phase of Öst's applied relaxation, the patient should be able to relax quickly and in all circumstances, without being necessary a great concentration.

Bibliographic references:

  • Newman, M. and Anderson, N. (2007). A review of basic and applied research on generalized anxiety disorder. Argentine Journal of Psychological Clinic, 16, pp. 7 - 20.
  • Pérez M.; Fernández, J.R.; Fernández, C. And Friend, I. (2010). Guide to effective psychological treatments I: Adults. Madrid: Pyramid.
  • Clark, D. TO. and Beck, A. T. (2012). Cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders. Madrid: Desclée de Brouwer.
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