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The 7 differences between liberals and conservatives

Liberalism and Conservatism, two philosophies that include political, economic, social and cultural, are currently confused by the frequency of their association in the same individuals and movements politicians. However, from a theoretical and historical point of view both ideologies are opposed on many key points.

In this article we will describe the main Differences Between the Perspectives of Conservatives and Liberals. It is important to bear in mind that these are not the only political philosophies, but there are other very influential ones such as socialism, anarchism and authoritarianism. The union of various ideologies is extremely common.

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What is conservatism?

In political science, the term “conservatism” refers to ideologies that focus on the preservation of the social institutions of a given group, which can be framed in abstract concepts such as "nation" or in other more concrete, such as States. Conservatism is also very often related to religion.

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Throughout history there have been innumerable forms of conservatism, since its manifestations depend on the characteristics of the sociocultural, temporal and geographical context in which they occur. However, conservative movements tend to have a vision of the human being and of society that is defended as "natural".

Conservative people tend to show rejection of behaviors and ideas that do not correspond to the social norms that they defend: those that are associated with the majority culture in a geographic area determined. A) Yes, conservatism defends tradition, which is understood as a way to preserve social structure and stability.

The radical aspect of conservatism is made up of reactionary movements, which are directly opposed to change and defend the recovery of "traditional values" that in many cases have practically disappeared at the time Present. This is the case of the anti-abortion currents that have had some political success in Spain in recent years.

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Defining liberalism

Liberalism, at least in its most representative variant, emerged in Europe in the 18th century, in the context of the Enlightenment. At that time the main characteristic of the Liberals was their rejection of established norms defended by conservatives, among them the absolute monarchy, the union between State and religion or the division of society into classes.

At present the term "liberalism" is confusing due to the many uses that have been given to it. The conception of liberalism in its economic aspect predominates (which defends the non-intervention of the State in the markets) and the American nomenclature, in which it is associated with progressivism; however, classical liberalism includes many different aspects.

What the different conceptions of liberalism have in common, whatever aspect is prioritized (economic, social, political and religious are some of the most important), is that they defend individual freedom in some of its Aspects. Thus, a social liberal could defend homosexual marriage and an economic one the minimization of taxes.

At present there is an obvious conflict between economic and social liberalism. The alliance between free market supporters, conservatives and state apparatuses increasingly damages individual rights, equality between people born in different social classes or freedom of opinion, fundamental aspects for liberals classics.

Differences between liberals and conservatives

The differences between liberalism and conservatism They cover a wide range of facets, from ethics or the vision of the human being to the conception of the State and social structure. In any case, it is very common for conservative and liberal ideas to coexist in the same people, as is also the case for those of other political philosophies.

Probably the most significant common ground between these two ideologies is that both support the primacy of private property over public property. This characteristic, which is opposed to the approaches of socialism or those of social democracy, largely explains the alliances between conservatives and liberals.

1. Tradition and change

Conservative people consider that the maintenance of traditions and social norms is essential for the health of society; This makes them reluctant to change, which can have negative consequences. Instead, liberalism opposes every obstacle that prevents individual freedom and its ideal is the progress of humanity.

2. Individuality and collectivism

While conservatism is associated with the structuring of society based on the groups that compose it, such as families, for liberalism the individual is the basic human unit. In this sense, there is a clear suspicion about conformity with social norms and with the subordination of minorities with respect to majorities.

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3. Personal liberty and civil rights

The basic value of liberalism is, as its name suggests, freedom; however, the way in which this concept is understood depends to a great extent on personal and ideological factors. In this sense historically have defended social rights much more than conservatives although, again, there are many forms of conservatism.

4. Social structure and mobility

In general, conservative approaches propose that a certain social stratification, associated with to historical and practical factors, it is the natural and desirable state of human groups - at least own self. Instead, for liberalism social structure must depend on skills and economic success of each individual.

5. Religion and moral values

In liberalism the religious freedom of individuals prevails; The same happens with moral values, which should not be imposed on others beyond a minimum, preferably determined by the whole of society. Instead, conservatism often use religious morality as a tool for cohesion and social control.

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6. Nationalism and internationalism

In conservative ideologies, the extolling of tradition, shared values ​​and the identity of a specific group come together in a natural way; this often leads to nationalism and protectionism. Liberals often advocate internationalism and the minimization of global trade restrictions.

7. Vision of the State and democracy

From a political point of view, liberals believe that the size and weight of the state in the functioning of society should be limited as much as possible; in addition, they defend democracy and equality in the right to vote. Conservatism can be associated with an even greater rejection of the state, prioritizing the class structure and therefore the oligarchic tendencies.

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