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The 70 best phrases of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a famous politician, lawyer and former KGB agent, born in the city of Leningrad, USSR during the year 1952.

As president of the Russian federation he is currently one of the most powerful men in the world, being at the level of other great leaders such as Donald trump or Xi Jinping. His past and his way of being have made him one of the most loved politicians internationally, although also as he could not be otherwise he has raised large blisters among the detractors of him more staunch.

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Phrases and reflections of Vladimir Putin

The decisions that this well-known leader makes every day have a great impact on the lives of millions of people, that is why we have found it very interesting to carry out a short compilation with the 70 best phrases of Vladimir Putin, some phrases with which you will discover many anecdotes about him and his little known personality.

1. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord's blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.

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God is the same for all men and women in the world, something that shows us that in reality perhaps we should all try to help each other.

2. My English is very bad.

As we can see, this president openly recognizes that he does not have a high level of English, a fact that his Russian compatriots will surely understand.

3. History shows that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government are transitory. Only democratic systems are not transitory. Whatever the shortcomings, humanity has not devised anything superior.

Dictatorships, as Putin tells us, sooner or later end up being overthrown, something that has never happened in an openly democratic country.

4. Anyone who does not regret the passing of the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants to restore it has no brain.

The USSR was a tough and at the same time very beautiful stage for the Russian citizen, a time in Putin's life that he will undoubtedly always remember.

5. Russia needs strong state power and it must have it. But I am not calling for totalitarianism.

Freedom in Russia is here to stay and thanks to great leaders like him, we can be sure that this will not change over time.

6. Russia is part of European culture. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine NATO as an enemy.

Russia is certainly a huge nation, but it has always been its westernmost part that has been the possessor popularity, a region whose customs are actually the same as the rest of the world. Europeans.

7. Russia will not soon become, if at all, a second copy of the United States or England, where liberal value has deep historical roots.

Russian society is very different from other nations, Russians as a people seem to have a series of values ​​that no one else in the world possesses.

8. No reference to the need to fight terrorism can be an argument for restricting human rights.

Human rights are inalienable, they must always be taken into account in any conflict.

9. No one should pin their hopes on a miracle.

Miracles, as this celebrated president well knows, rarely happen. We have to work very hard if we want to become the best possible version of ourselves.

10. Nothing and no one will stop Russia on the way to strengthening democracy and guaranteeing human rights and freedoms.

Russia is advancing unstoppably towards a glorious future as a nation and we are sure that no one will be able to stop it from achieving its goals.

11. Our goals are absolutely clear: a high standard of living in the country and a safe, free and comfortable life.

The Russians after all are looking for the same thing as all of us: security, freedom, economy and tranquility. A very beneficial future for all of society, which they will surely be able to achieve thanks to their daily efforts.

12. The road to a free society has not been easy. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history.

The history of Russia, as Putin tells us in this quote, is loaded with great deeds and also very complicated situations, very valuable experiences that led the Russian people to be today what they it is.

13. The democratic choice that the Russian people made in the early 1990s is final.

Russia decided in those years to turn its internal policies 180 degrees, a very wise decision that still has a great impact today.

14. Strengthening our statehood is sometimes deliberately interpreted as authoritarianism.

Some Russian policies have not been well received by the international public. something that has not changed in the least the decisions made by this democratic government.

15. We will fight them, throw them into prisons and destroy them.

Russia will never hesitate to defend its interests and we can be sure that it will destroy anyone who decides to oppose them.

16. Paying more is the easiest way. In fact, the possibilities of solution to the problem are many.

Money can solve most of the problems that a country can face, something that Putin knows very well, which is why he has always placed special emphasis on his economic policies.

17. You must obey the law, always, not just when you are grabbed by your special place.

The law must always be respected, regardless of whether it benefits us at this very moment or not.

18. I believe that the American people should express their preferences and we will accept their choice.

The Russian people have always respected American democratic processes, despite the fact that many media outlets have claimed that this is not really the case.

19. Terrorism has once again demonstrated that it is deliberately prepared to stop at nothing in creating human casualties. This must be stopped. As never before, it is vital to join forces from the entire global community against terrorism.

All the governments of the world should form a common front against terrorism, an international fight that Russia will always be fully prepared to support.

20. Yes, life in Chechnya so far seems more like a life after a natural disaster.

Life in that country is, as we can imagine, very complicated, since its inhabitants usually live several steps below the poverty line.

21. Russia does not have in its possession any reliable data to support the existence of nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we have not yet received any information from our partners.

The search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was the motive that the United States used to be able to invade that country, a very unfortunate warlike conflict that Russia did not support at any time.

22. We do not need a weakened government, but a strong government that takes responsibility for the rights of the individual and cares for society as a whole.

A strong society like the Russian one obviously needs a government of the same kind, a president that they themselves elect through electoral processes every 6 years.

23. Russia does not want confrontations of any kind. And we will not participate in any kind of holy alliance.

Russia is willing to intervene only in those conflicts that it believes to be in its interest, something that it President has learned over the years, is that there are certain combats that it is better not to begin.

24. I think we shouldn't control the internet.

Internet and social networks are currently very powerful information weapons, nowadays no one can imagine a successful ad campaign that has not been widely endorsed by these two important media.

25. I see that not everyone in the West has understood that the Soviet Union has disappeared from the political map of the world and that a new country has emerged with new humanistic and ideological principles at the base of its existence.

Certainly public opinion about Russia is very different from that enjoyed by the USSR, both nations actually have values ​​that we could consider totally opposed.

26. Political activities in Russia must be as transparent as possible. The financing of political activities from abroad is something that the State must monitor.

Interventionism in its elections is something that Russia will never accept, that is why all banking movements are closely monitored so that there is no possible illegal financing.

27. In fact, Russia and the United States were allies during the two tragic conflicts of World War II and World War I, which allows us to think that there is something that unites us objectively in difficult times, and I think, I think, it has to do with issues geopolitics. interests and also has a moral component.

Both nations can help each other a lot, something that was clearly demonstrated during the two biggest conflicts of the 20th century.

28. The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic courtesy to a partner, but rather to take into account and respect the legitimate interests of your partner.

International agreements are very important, we must bear in mind that the quality of life of the majority of citizens of the world depends directly on them.

29. I think the presidential term should be limited.

A limited mandate would ensure one hundred percent authentic democratic processes, something that as we see this president seems simply ideal.

30. If one looks at the world map, Iraq is difficult to find, and one would think that it is quite easy to subdue such a small country.

Putin knows very well that Iraq is one of the few countries in the world that has never in its history been submitted, a fact that of course is worth taking into account before starting a war against said nation.

31. Stalin is the most popular figure in all of Russia.

Stalin is clearly the best-known Russian leader, a powerful figure who is still very popular within that country today.

32. Radicals can be found in any environment.

Radical groups can be much more elusive than we usually think, like every great nation you should know, it is very difficult to fight against an army that is permanently in the shadow.

33. I believe that the United States already understands and will understand more and more that only a strong Russia will respond to the genuine interests of the United States.

Both countries can be, if they wish, great allies, a possible coalition that is really interesting for both parties that Russia would not hesitate to accept.

34. Iraq is a small but very proud nation.

Iraqis are undoubtedly a very tough people and they are ready for anything as long as their country can flourish again.

35. Stalinism is linked to a cult of personality and massive violations of the law, with repression and encampments. There is nothing like this in Russia and, I hope, it never will be again.

Russia has changed enormously since the dismantling of the USSR, a gradual process over time that has made that country one of the most modern in the world.

36. I am sure that corruption in Chechnya is minimal.

Russian interventionism has led to a great decrease in corruption in Chechnya, something of which Russians can be very proud.

37. I am eternally grateful to the fate and citizens of Russia for having trusted me to be the head of the Russian government.

His gratitude for his people is as we see enormous, a love and affection that obviously he will always return.

38. Terrorists are always a threat to someone. If we are afraid of them, it means that they have won.

Terrorism must undoubtedly be fought with all the means available to a nation, very powerful means that Putin has never hesitated to use when he saw fit.

39. I am the richest man, not only in Europe, but in the whole world. I collect emotions. I am rich because the people of Russia have twice entrusted me with the leadership of a great nation like Russia; I think that is my greatest wealth.

As we see the Russian people is the most important thing for him, that this enjoyment of great well-being is his true mission in life.

40. Our society, including liberals, must understand that there must be order.

Without an established order, any country would end up destroying itself. Order is what allows us to live comfortably in society.

41. For Russia, there is and cannot be any other political option other than democracy. However, Russian democracy... it is not at all the realization of the norms that are imposed on us from outside.

Russia is fully capable of saying for itself, foreign countries should always know how to stand aside during elections in that country.

42. How can you trust a bureaucrat or a politician if he calls out for the sake of Russia while trying to take his funds, his money abroad?

As a famous thinker said, the corrupt always craves power, that is why so many people with hidden intentions decide to dedicate themselves professionally to politics.

43. President Obama has not been chosen by the American people to please Russia.

Barack Obama undoubtedly caused quite a stir when he was appointed president, although eight years later he American society went on to elect a totally antagonistic figure like that of the current president Donald Trump.

44. Nobody wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real influence. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without the authorization of the Security Council.

International pacts must always be fulfilled, they are a guarantee of peace and prosperity for all those countries that have signed them.

45. The founders of the United Nations understood that decisions affecting war and peace should be made only by consensus, and with the consent of the United States, the veto of the permanent members of the Security Council was enshrined in the Charter of Nations United. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades.

Large-scale wars must be avoided at all costs, which is why international relations are so important in today's modern world.

46. We need to use the United Nations Security Council and we believe that preserving law and order in the Today's complex and turbulent world is one of the few ways to prevent international relations from falling into the chaos. The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not.

The law must always prevail in all the countries of the world, it is evident that without it the human being could never reach a high degree of development in our society.

47. No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there are many reasons to believe that it was used, not by the Syrian army, but by opposition forces. to provoke the intervention of their powerful foreign backers, who would be on the side of the fundamentalists.

The Russian state supports in the Syrian conflict, the current government of this nation under the command of the well-known president Bashar Al Assad. A militarized government with which many other nations of the world have strongly disagreed

48. Chechnya is an integral part of the Russian Federation.

As we see for Putin, Chechnya is a sister nation, a place that must be respected and that will always have the full support of the Russian people.

49. The Chechnya problem is a problem of centuries. What is happening is that today, fundamentalists and terrorists are exploiting these centuries-old problems to achieve their own objectives that have nothing to do with the interests of Chechnya.

Some countries in Eastern Europe seem to live in a permanent internal war, a conflict that may never end if the rest of the nations do not do something about it.

50. I love Russian classics very much, Russian classical literature. But I also read modern literature. When it comes to Russian literature, I really like Tolstoy and Chekhov, and I also really enjoy reading Gogol.

Reading is undoubtedly a great hobby, a practice that has surely helped him enormously to develop his intellect.

51. In 1995, Russia virtually gave Chechnya de facto statehood and independence although, de jure, it did not recognize Chechnya as an independent state. And I would like to strongly emphasize that Russia withdrew all its troops, we moved the prosecutors, we moved all the police, we dismantled all the courts, completely, 100 percent.

Some Russian interventions have been harshly criticized by the rest of the countries, but even so this great nation has never hesitated to carry out all those operations that it saw fit.

52. I go to the gym, swim every day and occasionally meet friends and do extracurricular things.

The Russian president is a man of great physical shape, although to be honest we could not expect less from him considering his great military past.

53. He would rather abandon the terminology of the past. Superpower is something we used during the cold war. Why use it now?

Some terms seem to have gone out of style, but despite this the belief that there are several superpowers in the world still continues today.

54. Economic activity is moving from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Russia has a certain natural advantage because it also borders the Pacific Ocean.

Asia is currently the continent that is experiencing the greatest economic expansion, markets with which Russia has always felt very comfortable negotiating.

55. Russia opposes the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and in In this context we ask our Iranian friends to abandon the uranium enrichment program.

Weapons of mass destruction must disappear as soon as possible, the world faces a more than probable self-destruction if we do not immediately end their rapid proliferation.

56. It is a historical phenomenon that in 250 years, a nation could go from a colony to the most prosperous nation in the world and the world's leader. Indeed, it is an achievement, a tribute to the talents of the American nation, the American people, and an optimal political and economic system.

As we can see, Putin highly values ​​the growth capacity of the United States, a nation that has shown during its history to be capable of carrying out everything it sets out to do.

57. I believe that each person should have some faith within him, in his heart. What matters is not an external display of this faith, but the internal state of the soul.

If we want to be successful in life, we must have faith, because otherwise it will be very difficult for us to fight energetically all the problems that life throws at us much to our regret.

58. I grew up in a very ordinary family, in fact a working family. Both my father and mother were ordinary citizens.

As we can see, the origins of this president are humble, in reality his work has been the only one in charge of raising him to the highest Russian social strata.

59. Even during the Cold War years, the intense confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States, we always avoid any direct confrontation between our civilians and certainly between our military.

We must acknowledge that the USSR never really sought to engage in a direct conflict against the US, a possible war that would certainly have been very damaging to both nations.

60. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, foreign policy and defense matters are entirely in the hands of the president.

Being president in a country like Russia is not something to be taken lightly, as such a position makes its bearer one of the most powerful men in the world.

61. I read newspapers, I try to watch news programs on television, but as a rule I record. During the day I don't have time for that, so I watch something recorded. As for the newspapers, I try to read them every day. Also, of course, I look at the newsletters.

A president must always make sure he is well informed, otherwise it will be very difficult for his international decisions to be the correct ones.

62. Journalism, when it comes to gathering information, differs little or nothing from intelligence work. In my opinion, the work of a journalist is very interesting.

Some journalists have been investigated with a magnifying glass by that nation, a task that has always been carried out seeking the benefit of its citizens and so that the authentic truth.

63. There are two things in international law: the principle of territorial integrity and the right to self-determination.

Russia's interventionism in some current conflicts has caused some unrest in nations elsewhere in the world. world, but what we can be sure of is that Russia as a nation will never stop acting on behalf of its own convictions.

64. What is a Rechtsstaat? It is obedience to the existing law.

Respect for the law is always prevalent in Russia, no citizen, no matter how wealthy he is, is exempt from having to answer to it.

65. Some experts believe that WikiLeaks is being misled by someone who is undermining its reputation so that it can be used for political purposes.

Through the WikiLeaks website, a number of state secrets from some countries have been leaked, such as United States, a website that, as many governments know, can be a double-edged sword used in the way wrong.

66. At least in Russia, you can't just access someone's phone conversation without a warrant issued. That is more or less the way a civilized society should fight terrorism.

As we can see, tapping phones in Russia is much more complicated than in other countries, the only people in that country who have the power to do it are the government itself.

67. If we speak calmly, in a professional manner, let me draw your attention to the fact that Russia supplies arms to the legitimate government of Syria in full compliance with the rules of law international. We are not breaking any rules or regulations.

Russia is a great ally for some Middle Eastern countries, a support without which possibly these countries they would currently be completely destabilized or maybe even involved in the odd war civil.

68. I have a private life in which I do not allow interference. It must be respected.

His private life must obviously always be respected by the media, that he is president does not have to be a real impediment for this politician to continue leading his family life with a certain normality in privacy.

69. Few people understand the magnitude of the catastrophe that occurred in the late 1980s when the Communist Party failed to modernize the Soviet Union.

The collapse of the USSR was a very hard time for the average Russian citizen, a time when food in the country was much more scarce than some of us usually think.

70. Protest actions and propaganda are two slightly different things.

According to some foreign media in Russia there is a great repression against the citizen, something with which Putin tends to strongly disagree in almost all of his interviews.

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