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How does online couples therapy work?

Online couples therapy is another way in which psychological assistance services They have taken advantage of the momentum of new technologies to adapt to the needs of the people.

Although a little more than a decade ago it was unusual to use this format, today it is standardized and its popularity is growing rapidly. In fact, there are fewer and fewer psychology offices that do not offer the possibility of conducting sessions over the internet, through video calls.

In this article we will see how online couples therapy works and what are its benefits and advantages.

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How online couples therapy works: the process, step by step

Using online couples therapy for the first time is very simple and intuitive. These are some guidelines that you can follow if you consider using these kinds of services.

1. Talk about it and give a name to what happens to you

First of all, to establish the reason that brings you to couples therapy, talk about what is happening to you and try to reach one or more conclusions about what is happening to you and what you would like to improve, and how it makes you feel.

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You don't have to go to therapy for the same thing.Everyone can have a reason to seek professional help, and that's okay.

On the other hand, do not become obsessed with identifying exactly the nature of the problem that affects you, an approximation is enough. It will be in therapy when it will be easier to understand what is wrong in the relationship, since psychologists are also trained to facilitate this.

2. Choose a clinic or professional

With online therapy, there are more options to choose from, since distances don't matter. It is advisable to opt for teams of psychologists with extensive experience treating patients, and of course, professionals must be registered.

3. Ask any questions you have

It is normal to ask questions about the services offered before going to the first session. Yes indeed, at this stage it is not yet necessary to explain in detail the reason for the consultation. The problem begins to be explored from the first session.

4. Agreement day and time

Although it is online couples therapy, that does not mean that it can be accessed at any time, or without warning. You must agree in advance with the psychologist or psychotherapy center the time when you can go. Keep in mind that professionals must prepare and organize their day to day to make sure they can offer regular follow-up to all the patients and couples they are working with.

5. Use the video call service

To do this, you have to use the digital platform previously indicated by the psychologist, which is very simple; Sometimes new software has to be installed on the used electronic device, but currently this is very easy and you just have to follow a short sequence of instructions automatically explained by the Program.

6. Find a comfortable and private place where the two of you are comfortable

In this regard, symmetry is very important. You should both feel equally comfortable and have the same prominence in the camera frame.

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Possible applications and benefits

These are the aspects in which online couples therapy can be beneficial.

1. Provides discretion

Some people are uncomfortable with the idea that others can see how they enter psychotherapy or couples therapy centers. With online couples therapy, this is resolved, as it is not necessary to leave home to have the services of psychologists.

2. Makes it easier to balance schedules

One of the most complex aspects of couples therapy is that it is not always easy to find times when both members of the couple can attend the sessions. Fortunately, the fact of not having to travel means that more time is available and, in Consequently, it is easier to find a time in the weekly schedule to commit to the therapy.

3. Helps to open up

For many people, being in a place they consider familiar (their home) helps to open up when it comes to explaining their problems and overcoming taboo topics.

Are you looking for remote couples therapy services?

Advance Psychologists

If you are interested in having professional support through online couples therapy sessions, we invite you to contact us. On Advance Psychologists We have a history of more than two decades offering therapy, and currently we also serve through the Internet through video calls. To see more information about us or access our contact information, go to this page.

Bibliographic references:

  • Biscotti, O. (2006). Couples Therapy: a systemic view. 1st. ed. Buenos Aires: Lumen.
  • Christensen, A.; Atkins, D.C.; Yi, J.; Baucom, D.H. & George, W.H. (2006). Couple and individual adjustment for 2 years following a randomized clinical trial comparing traditional versus integrative behavioral couple therapy. J Consult Clin Psychol. 74(6):1180-91.
  • Lewis, T.; Amini, F.; Lannon, R. (2000). A General Theory of Love. Random House.
  • Morgan, J.P. (1991). What is codependency? Journal of Clinical Psychology 47 (5): pp. 720 - 729.
  • Zack, Jason; Stricker, George (2004). Kraus, Ron, ed. Online counseling: a handbook for mental health professionals. Amsterdam: Academic

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