History of Mark Antony and Cleopatra
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How many great movies and books have not been inspired by true and real love stories? Have you never heard of the romance of Mark Antony and Cleopatra? Well, it seems that no one could resist the charms of said woman. Next, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we will tell you what she consisted of story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, a relationship bathed in passion, mystery, power struggles, in which she even destabilized an entire empire, such as the Roman Empire.
- Cleopatra's life
- Cleopatra and Mark Antony
- Cleopatra: power and love
- A tragic ending
The life of Cleopatra.
Cleopatra Filopator Nea Thea went down in history as, among other things, the last queen of egypt, known as Cleopatra VII. Her childhood was marked by her distrust and cruelty, because when she was 11 years old she had to go to Rome with her father, escaping from the one that she was her stepsister, that she had ended the life of her mother and her husband in order to seize the throne of her father both.
Cleopatra, who was always clear that she was the one in charge of occupying the throne, did not hesitate to make use of their woman weapons and her intelligence to find the best allies to her problem. The first of them was her brother, Ptolemy XIII, because, although her father and she returned to Egypt seizing power, at the death of her father, she saw that she would again be separated from her from the throne and she married her brother. However, she ended up learning that he wanted to end her life to reign alone and had to flee to Syria to avoid his death.
The second was Julius Caesar, the most powerful man of the moment who chasing Pompey, her enemy, was in Egypt, and Cleopatra did not hesitate to travel until there, secretly as long as they did not recognize him from her, taking place one of the most famous meetings of the story. One of them is the one that tells us how Cleopatra appeared rolled up in a carpet and, after unwrapping, Caesar surrendered at her feet, not only because she was a sensual and beautiful woman, but also because of her intelligence, because she Cleopatra spoke nine languages, she was a lover of books and loves to know about astronomy.
After spending the night together, Cleopatra achieved her goal, for Caesar embarked on a true civil war as long as she came to the throne, reigning Egypt as an independent queen.
In this other lesson we will discover the story of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.
Cleopatra and Marco Antonio.
Marco Antonio was the one who was really dazzled by the beautiful Cleopatra. He was always at the service of his uncle Julius Caesar, being one of the most prestigious generals, and that the Senate always supported him.
When Caesar died, assassinated, Cleopatra left for Egypt because she again saw her life in danger and, even more, when she had had a child with him. She really she fled because she had to devise a new strategy for her to remain the queen of Egypt.
The opportunity came sooner than she had imagined, because Marco Antonio had to fight with Octavian Augustus for dominance in the region, where he ended up defeating the latter in the Battle of Philippi, However, he did not like the behavior of Cleopatra (who did not know her) even though it was also hers his region.
Marco Antonio calls Cleopatra to come to her appointment with the intention that she apologize for the wrong doing of her and she obeyed her but not without using her woman's weapons without caring that he was married, because she knew what Marco Antonio was Caesar's natural successor.
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Cleopatra: power and love.
According to Plutarch, Cleopatra left for her appointment as follows “He ascended the river Cydnos in a boat with a golden stern, and silver oars. His movement followed the beat of the sweet sound of the flutes. She, as if she were the beautiful Aphrodite, was lying under an embroidered tent also made of gold, and her children, like the beautiful little sweethearts in her paintings, surrounded her fanning it ”.
Marco Antonio as soon as he saw her arrive from her and he offered her the revelation of a divine world in which both would form the ideal couple, with a great Egypt and splendorous, he could not resist it and after four days of negotiations, he marched with Cleopatra to Egypt to stay in her Palace to to live a passion-filled romance that would last 14 years.
Marco Antonio left everything, his family, his political and military obligations for moving in with Cleopatra, so he was seen as an enemy of Rome. He did nothing more than think about her and she, over time, came to fall in love with him too, and although she did not she found as brave and strong as Caesar, he was always willing to give everything to keep her in his can.
Love, materialized in the three children they had, the twins Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios and the little Ptolemy Philadelphus.
A tragic ending.
And to finish the story of Marco Antonio and Cleopatra we have to talk about the ending that was tragic and dramatic. It was all due to a defeat in the Battle of the Actium, in which Marco Antonio lost to Octavio Augusto who decided to go to Egypt in search of him.
Both Cleopatra and Marco Antonio managed to flee, taking refuge in Alexandria; however, a year later Octavio returns to finish them off once and for all. At that moment, Marco Antonio gets the false news that his wife, Cleopatra, had passed away. The Roman, just as he had promised her, that if she died he would follow her, he chose to take his life from her, the 1 of August of the year 30 a. C. stabbing her own sword.
Cleopatra, upon learning of what happened and broken by her lost love, wanted to let herself die, because she knew that Octavian Augustus would take her to Rome as spoils of war, only that her feeling of survival was greater, so she tried as the only way out of her to do what she had hitherto done: seduce Octavio Augusto.
The thing was, according to the story, Octavio did not like her nose, so, faced with such humiliation, Cleopatra ended her life with an Egyptian ritual in which the bite of an asp, she took him to the other world, when she had not reached the age of 40.
With the death of both, not only did one of the most beautiful and passionate love stories of all time end, but also a 22-year dream in those that Cleopatra knew how to stay in power and expand her kingdom, which for a long time was as extensive as it was in her ancestors more glorious.
The cleopatra's death, also marked the end her from what had been for 3,000 years the land of the pharaohs, that is, the Ancient Egypt, because in the year 30 a. C. it became one more province of the Roman Empire.
![Story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra - A Tragic End](/f/a20ce94e2bdbc0a97835231686248a7c.jpg)
Image: What happened
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