50 phrases by Pablo Neruda (with great romantic value)
Pablo Neruda (his original name was Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto) was a Chilean poet who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.
He was born on July 12, 1904 in Parral (Chile) and died on September 23, 1973 under strange circumstances. Investigations after his death seem to indicate that there was poisoning, but these suspicions have never been confirmed.
The best phrases of Pablo Neruda: essential reflections
Neruda, at a very young age, was already showing interest in literature and, in fact, his first official job as a writer was an article for a local newspaper that he wrote when he was only 13 years old. Throughout his life he left behind many brilliant and beautiful poems. In today's article, we go over the best quotes from him. Enjoy them!
1. Your chest is enough for my heart, my wings are enough for your freedom
The people we love make us fly when we are with them.
2. For my next issue I need you to kiss me and I'll magically make butterflies appear in your stomach
Love is a sensation that upsets all of our senses and sensations.
3. Your wide eyes are the light that I have from the defeated constellations, your skin throbs like the paths that the meteor travels in the rain
If you have been in love you will know incredible what it is to see the body of that person.
4. Love... what a wandering loneliness to your company
Loneliness is over when you find love.
5. Love is so short and oblivion is so long
Love can be brief when it goes wrong, but forgetting can last forever.
6. It is in you the illusion of each day
That special someone is the motivation that moves the lover.
7. They may cut off all the flowers, but they won't be able to stop spring
Spring is the time of year that love is associated. When love is eternal, spring does not stop.
8. But I don't love your feet except because they walked on the land and on the wind and on the water, until they found me
A quote from one of Neruda's great poems.
9. Shyness is a condition alien to the heart, a category, a dimension that leads to loneliness
A phrase from Pablo Neruda that talk about shyness.
10. I like you when you are silent because you are absent and you hear me from afar, and my voice does not touch you. It seems that your eyes have flown and it seems that a kiss closed your mouth.
Beautiful words recited with all the love.
11. It is forbidden not to smile at problems, not to fight for what you want, to abandon everything out of fear, not to make your dreams come true
Pablo Neruda philosophizing about self-realization.
12. For nothing separate us that nothing unites us
Heartbreak can hurt. When it happens, we often wish we hadn't met that person.
13. There is no other destiny than the one that we will make ourselves by thoroughbred, by hand
Destiny is not written, you have to look for it.
14. The child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play lost forever the child who lived in him and he will miss it very much.
A quote that talks about childhood.
16. Poets hate hate and we wage war on war
Poets prefer to write about love than hate.
17. Do not do with love what a child does with his balloon, who ignores it when he has it and when he loses it cries
We must value the people who love us.
18. How would I know how to love you, woman, how would I know how to love you, love you like no one ever knew! Die and still love you more. And still love you more
Authentic love can handle anything, even over time.
19. Who discovers who I am will discover who you are
Neruda, reflecting on when we reflect on someone.
20. In a kiss, you'll know everything I kept silence
A phrase full of love, extracted from a beautiful verse by the poet.
21. There is a certain pleasure in madness, that only the madman knows
The madness of love can be really pleasant.
22. Someday anywhere, in any place you will inevitably find yourself, and that, only that, can be the happiest or the bitterest of your hours.
The encounter with oneself can be a moment of happiness but also of fear.
23. Why will all the love come to me at once when I feel sad, and I feel you are far away
When you can't be with that person, you miss them.
24. Love, how many ways to reach a kiss, what wandering loneliness to your company!
A quote full of feeling that refers to loneliness
25. Does the one who always waits suffer more than the one who never waited for anyone?
Do not depend on anyone, you have to empower yourself and face life.
26. Knowing the love of those we love is the fire that fuels life
There is no more incredible moment than knowing that that person you love loves you too.
27. Tears that are not cried, do they wait in small lakes? Or will they be invisible rivers that run towards sadness?
Even if we don't cry, we can still feel sad.
28. The child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play lost forever the child who lived in him and he will miss it very much.
You have to always be young at heart and live life to its fullest.
29. In you the rivers sing and my soul in them flees as you wish and to where you want
A poetic phrase that surrounds with its beauty.
30. Love is born from memory, lives from intelligence and dies from oblivion
Memories make feelings intensify.
31. I believed that the route passed through man, and that destiny had to come from there
Destiny comes from man, from the direction he takes.
32. Let's sow the plain before we plow the hill
A quote from Pablo Neruda that will invite you to think.
33. Poetry is born from the pain. Joy is an end in itself
Pain is undoubtedly an inspiration to write about poetry.
34. We, the ones then, are not the same
Over time, relationships may cool down.
35. You look like nobody since I love you
When you love someone you stop seeing them as someone normal and you start to see them as someone special.
36. They ask me what is prophetic in me, with melancholy and a blow of objects that call without being answered there is, and a movement without respite, and a confused name
A beautiful sentence that reflects Neruda's talent.
37. (...) Suddenly while you were going with me I touched you and my life stopped: in front of my eyes you were, reigning, and reigning. Like a bonfire in the woods, fire is your kingdom
It is incredible to come across that person who stops the world.
38. So that nothing binds us that nothing unites us
If love is not going to end well, why start it?
39. Anxiety of a pilot, fury of a blind diver, cloudy intoxication of love, everything in you was shipwreck!
Nice words written by this brilliant poet.
40. I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees
Nothing says as much as the intimate language of love.
41. Naked you are as simple as one of your hands, smooth, terrestrial, minimal, round, transparent, you have moon lines, apple paths
The naked loved one is the closest thing to ecstasy.
42. The wine opens the doors with amazement and in the shelter of the months it turns over its body with soaked red wings
In poetry is where Neruda felt alive.
43. And if you don't give more, just find what is in your hands, he thinks that giving love is never in vain. Go ahead without looking back
Keep going in love, and feel what your heart tells you.
44. I love your feet because they walked on the land and on the wind and on the water, until they found me
The two people who love each other eventually meet.
45. The greatest of simple men, our teacher
In simplicity there is a great teaching.
46. As if to bring her closer, my gaze seeks her. My heart looks for her, and she is not with me
When love breaks but you still feel something, your heart still has it in mind.
47. The jurisdiction for the great thief, the prison for the one who steals a loaf
Injustices are part of life.
48. In my house I have collected small and large toys, without which I could not live.
In this text the author refers to childhood and the precious feelings that we experience during this stage.
49. Only with ardent patience will we conquer the splendid city that will give light, justice and dignity to all men. So poetry will not have sung in vain
Patience is a great virtue that people can possess.
50. I can write the saddest verses tonight; write, for example: The night is starry, and the blue stars shiver in the distance
Pablo Neruda had a great facility for poetic writing. It was his great passion.