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The 9 best Mental Health Centers in Valladolid

The Institute of Psychode Psychology of Valladolid It serves adolescents, adults, the elderly and also in the sexual sphere and with the couple, all this both online and in person.

The center's professionals work together to solve any type of problem or disorder and are specialized in applying only disorders that present scientific efficacy such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Brief Therapy and Therapy EMDR.

Thus, some of the intervention specialties of the professionals at the Psicode center are conduct disorders eating habits, obsessions, emotional problems, sexual dysfunctions, cases of depression and disorders of anxiety.

The psychologist Jose Maria Martin del Pliego, director of Los Tilos Medical Center He has a degree from the Autonomous University of Madrid, has a Master in Clinical Psychology, another in Sexology and a third Master in Reciprocal Interaction Therapy.

Through an experience of more than 20 years, this clinical psychologist has specialized in achieving profound changes and permanent in adolescents and adults through the application of different therapies that are adjusted to the needs of people attended.

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So, some of the therapies that she applies in her office are Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR Therapy, Biofeedback and Brief Therapy, all of them of integrative way and with the aim of addressing cases of depression, anxiety disorders, trauma, sexual abuse and cases of self harm.

The psychologist Inés González Carballo She runs her own psychology center in which she serves people of all ages alongside a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified psychologists.

The intervention of the professionals in this cabinet is mainly based on the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy together with Brief Strategic Therapy or Humanist among others, with the aim of successfully addressing anxiety disorders, severe depressive disorder, self-esteem deficits and conduct disorders food.

Among his most notable degrees are a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, a Postgraduate Degree in Systemic Couples Therapy and a Ph. D. She cum Laude as a Doctor of Clinical Psychology from Cambridge International University.

The Psania Psychology Center offers a professional psychological care service aimed at adults, adolescents, children and couples through face-to-face, online sessions and also virtual reality sessions.

The multidisciplinary team of professionals at the Psania center is specialized in the application of therapies of proven scientific efficacy such as Therapy Cognitive-behavioral and some of the areas that are frequently addressed are depression, obsessions, phobias, deficits in social skills and relationship problems.

The psychologist Matilde Soto Gil She has a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice in Mental Health, a Master's Degree in Child-Youth Health, she is an expert in EMDR therapy level I and II, and also has a Practical Course on Behavior Modification Techniques.

In her intervention, she integrates different therapies, among which are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, EMDR therapy also the Virtual Reality technique to achieve the best results in each of the sessions.

In addition to that, this professional serves people of all ages both in person and online and their main specialties are agoraphobia, relationship problems, sexual dysfunctions and addictions.

The psychologist Carlos Malillos Manso directs this psychology center, which treats all kinds of disorders in children and adolescents, both individually and in groups and through a cognitive-behavioral approach.

Its sessions are also offered in person and online and some of the center's main intervention specialties are the deficits in social skills, problems arising from pregnancy, deficits in self-esteem, depression and disorders of anxiety.

The Cabinet Center of Psychology It is another option in which to obtain a professional therapy service indicated for people of all ages and also couples, both in person and online.

The sessions are carried out based on the application of a cognitive-behavioral therapy and some of the specialties of the Cabinet professionals include cases of depression, conduct disorders, relationship problems, sexual dysfunctions, and trauma.

The psychologist Maribel barrero directs the Valladolid Psicobel Center, a therapy space specialized in serving adults, couples and families from a bio-psycho-social model based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy.

Thus, the center's main intervention specialties are self-esteem deficits, conduct disorders, sexual dysfunctions and cases of gender-based violence.

The center Psychology with Soul serves people of all ages, also couples and families who need it.

In addition to that, some of the center's specialties are cases of bullying, phobia social, addictions, adjustment disorders, grief processes and disorders of feeding.

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