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The best 15 Psychologists in Aranda de Duero

The professionals of the online psychotherapy center TherapyChat They are specialized in attending to all kinds of disorders and consultations in the field of Clinical Psychology, Sexology or Coaching, among other areas of specialization.

The intervention of the center is inclusive and in each of the sessions offered by the center, its professionals integrate therapies with extensive scientific evidence, among which the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or the Therapy Cognitive-behavioral.

TharapyChat services are offered with all the professional guarantees and at an affordable price, also being some of the main areas that Self-esteem problems, sexual behavior disorders, depression, anxiety, stress and relationship problems are addressed in the center.

The professionals of the center Psychology 360 are specialized in providing an online psychotherapy service to people of all ages, both individually and as a couple and at an affordable price.

The center's intervention is integrative and based on the application of the therapies that best suit the client's needs, being some of the most used by his professionals, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology or Therapy Brief.

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In addition, the main areas of intervention of the Psychology 360 center are eating disorders, low self-esteem, insomnia, depression, behavior problems, anxiety disorders and difficulties sexual.

The psychologist William Miatello has more than 10 years of experience in the practice of psychotherapy, has a degree in Psychology from she from the National University of Córdoba and she has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires.

Her intervention is offered to adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and families who request their services, in online sessions in which she applies in an integrated way diverse therapies highly effective.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in successfully addressing self-esteem problems, marital conflicts, sexual dysfunctions, deficits in social skills and disorders food.

The psychologist Álvaro Ruiz de Ocenda She has more than 20 years of professional experience behind her and currently she attends online to adolescents, adults, seniors, couples and also families.

Her intervention is based on the application of effective therapies such as Mindfulness or Therapy of Acceptance and Commitment, all of them adapted according to the specific needs of each client.

This professional is a specialist in successfully treating relational problems, cases of anxiety and depression, family conflicts, chronic pain, stress and insomnia.

The psychologist Jose Martin del Pliego He has more than 20 years of professional experience and currently attends online adolescents, adults and couples who request his services.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Sexology, a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master's Degree in Reciprocal Interaction Therapy.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in jointly applying various therapies proven efficacy, including EMDR Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Brief Therapy and Biofeedback.

In his consultation you will find a therapist specialized in dealing with stress, trauma, cases of sexual abuse, anxiety, depression and deficits in anger management.

Fernando Arranz He has a degree in Psychology and is a specialist in the treatment of disorders related to anxiety and depression, in disorders in children and adolescents, and in couples therapy.

Furthermore, during his career as a psychologist, he has treated a large number of anxiety disorders, situations of low self-esteem and different types of phobias.

Kepa Matilla He has a degree in Psychology and a great specialist in the treatment of anxiety disorders, and in conducting psychotherapy for both adults and adolescents.

In addition, he is a great expert in treating disorders such as stress and depression, hypochondria and different types of phobias such as agoraphobia.

Maria Angeles Mediavilla She has a degree in Psychology and a specialist in the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders, as well as treating sexual and relationship disorders.

Among the diseases that he has treated the most, stand out anxiety disorder, addiction to addictive substances, and encopresis.

Victoria Munoz she is a well-known licensed professional in Psychology and specialist in Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology and cognitive behavioral therapies.

This psychologist stands out for being a great specialist in the treatment of learning disorders such as dyslexia, in addition to other types of disorders such as dyslalia and anxiety disorders and depression.

Ana Lucas She has a degree in Mathematics from the University of the Basque Country, with advanced studies in the field of mathematics and a PhD in Psychoanalysis from the University of Burgos.

She highlights her expertise in treating anxiety disorders, in child psychology, and in adult psychotherapy. She has also treated disorders related to phobias, stress, and addictions.

Soraya Left She has a degree in Psychology and a specialist in the treatment of dementias, in clinical psychology and in cognitive behavioral therapy.

She has treated a large number of patients affected by adjustment disorders, depression disorders, and obsessive compulsive disorder, among others.

Beatriz Artola Galiana She has a degree in Psychology and a specialist in anxiety disorders and sexual and relationship disorders.

The diseases that she has treated the most are related to inhibited sexual desire, stress disorders and different types of phobias such as agoraphobia.

Jose Luis Pardo He has a degree in Psychology and specializes in clinical psychology, sports psychology and clinical hypnosis.

This psychologist has treated a large number of patients affected by disorders related to depression, phobias and panic attacks.

Sabina mussons She is a Graduate in Psychology from UNED, with a specialty in Health Psychology and Intervention in Mental and Behavioral Disorders. Furthermore, she is also an expert in Mindfulness and Defusion Techniques.

This psychologist is an expert in coaching, emotional intelligence and mindfulness, having treated numerous cases related to cellopathy, psychological trauma in adults and conduct disorders in children and teenagers.

Gem Sierra She has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia and has two Master's degrees, the first in General Health Psychology, and the second in Child and Youth Psychology: Intervention and treatment.

This professional is an expert in conducting psychotherapy for adults and adolescents, as well as treating anxiety disorders. She has treated numerous cases of phobias such as agoraphobia, stress disorders, and addictions to gambling and different types of addictive substances.

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