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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Colmenar Viejo

Atlas Psychologists is a well-known psychological center located in the Community of Madrid, specifically in the city of Tres Cantos, whose main objective is to improve the personal and emotional well-being of its patients.

Its excellent team of professionals specialized in different disciplines will help you improve when you are with problems of anxiety, depression and stress, and with other types of pathologies such as sleep disorders and insomnia.

Fernando Azor Lafarga He is the director of this psychological center that has consultations both in the city of Tres Cantos and in the city of Madrid, being a reference psychological clinic, where they are specialized in clinical psychology and aeronautics.

They have treated patients with different types of pathologies, among which are alcohol addictions, tobacco and other types of substances, sexual and relationship problems, and dependence on new drugs technologies.

Serena Psychology Online is a psychological clinic that offers assistance to all those who are suffering from some type of pathology, offering consultations totally online through its website.

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She has treated patients affected by eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, for disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, and patients with different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, achieving very good results.

Dew Fish Mulberry is part of the psychological center Aperta, and she stands out for having a degree in psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has a master's degree in clinical psychology and health by the UCM, and has also completed a specialization course in cognitive behavioral therapy in childhood and in the adolescence.

She stands out for having treated patients affected by problems of anxiety, depression and stress, with behavioral disorders, in situations of low self-esteem, and with problems in the relationships of partner.

Jesus M. Escamilla Sanz She has her own psychological center in the Community of Madrid and stands out for having a degree in psychology, and for having a master's degree in direction and management of health centers from the University of La Salle from Madrid.

She is a specialist in the field of general health psychology, psychotherapy for adults and the the elderly, having treated numerous cases of problems related to anxiety, depression and stress.

Juan F. Velazquez Espinosa She has a degree in psychology, she has a master's degree in counseling, also known as ‘’ helping relationship ’’, she has taken a course in diagnosis from the University of Seville, and is also a specialist in the treatment of anxiety and depression from the Complutense University of Madrid.

She has extensive experience in the field of clinical psychology, treating patients in a situation of grief before the loss of a loved one, with pictures of psychosis, and with addictive disorders to alcohol and tobacco, getting very good results.

Esther Arias Lopez She has hers own psychological center, and has a degree in psychology from the National University of Education at Distance, she has completed a seminar in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, and has also completed a master's degree in violence against women. gender.

At present she is specialized in the treatment of sexual and relationship disorders, in the problems of anxiety, depression and stress, and in the different types of phobias such as the fear of flying, or the fear of spaces open.

Angeles Lopez She has an excellent psychological center, in addition to having a degree in psychology and law from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, and being a specialist in the field of clinical psychology by the same organization.

She has treated cases of patients affected by sexual dysfunctions, with relationship problems such as inhibited sexual desire, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

Maria Jose Martin Vazquez She has a degree in psychology from the National Distance Education University, she has a She specializes in psychiatry, and she also has a doctorate in medicine from the University of Alcalá de Henares.

She is an excellent specialist in psychiatry focused on children and adolescents, in the field of EMDR therapy, and in cases of obsessive compulsive disorder, also known as OCD.

Victoria Martin Jimenez she has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, she has a master's degree in cognitive therapy her behavioral by the UNED, and she has also made a specialization in the treatment of obesity and disorders food.

During all these years she has cared for patients with anxiety and depression problems, with disorders eating behavior such as bulimia and anorexia, and with dependence on newer technologies.

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