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Who was Marie Curie

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain a "Who was Marie Curie".

Who was Marie Curie. Marie Curie she was an important scientist She that she was born in Warsaw (Poland) on November 7, 1867 and died in Pasy (France) on July 4, 1934. She was born in Poland (as we say) with the name of Maria Salomea Sklodowska. Later, we'll see, when she got married she took the last name of her husband. As we said is she recognized for being the first scientist to win a novice award (she actually won two) her but she is recognized for being the first scientist to win one (Novel award). She also for being the first professor at the Sorbonne (the most important university in France that is located in Paris). Let's see her first steps in her life. As we said, she was born in Poland, the daughter of Polish teachers in a Poland that at that time was invaded, occupied, by the Russian empire. Because of her family patriotism, the Russian authorities always gave her parents poorly paid jobs, which led to financial problems. Even so, that did not affect Marie's desire to study, but she, being a woman, was unable (in Poland) to enter any secondary educational institution. For this reason, she was forced to study at a Polish underground university. In fact, in 1891,

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she with 24 years she went to Paris to study (thanks to her savings and above all for the financial help of her father). Let us now see the trajectory and contribution of her to science made by Marie Curie. In 1893, she finally managed to graduate in Physics in Paris, being the first of her class.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about "Who was Marie Curie" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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