Education, study and knowledge

The 8 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Sabadell

Angela Tobias She has a degree in psychology from the University of Salamanca, she has a master's degree in learning difficulties from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and she has also completed a master's degree in general health psychology, being an expert in therapy of partner.

Throughout her professional career, she has treated patients affected by different types of phobias such as fear of open spaces, people with relationship problems, and in situations of separation and divorce.

Mel Jurado she has a degree in psychology and psychotherapy and is specialized in professional and personal coaching by the College She is an official of the Psychologists of Catalonia, in addition to being an expert in couples therapy, obtaining very positive results.

She has treated patients with problems in their relationships, in situations of low self-esteem, and in situations of emotional dependence, in addition to treating people with inhibited sexual desire.

Roberto E. Perez She has a degree in psychology from the Catholic University of La Plata, she has a postgraduate degree in supervision and psychodrama techniques from the University of Buenos Aires, and she has also completed a postgraduate degree in psychodrama clinical.

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She is a specialist in treating patients with sexual and relationship problems, among which stand out the low self-esteem problems, emotional dependence, and infidelity situations within the relationship.

Sara doval she has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​she has a master's degree in general psychology from the VIU, and she has also completed a postgraduate degree in integrative psychotherapy from the University of Girona.

She has extensive experience in sexual and couples therapy, having attended people with lack of sexual appetite, with inhibited sexual desire, and with other types of pathologies such as behavioral disorders food.

Silvia Salomo Segui She has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​has a master's degree in clinical sexology and couples therapy by the ISEP center, and she is also a specialist in the treatment of sexual disorders and partner.

During all these years she has had the opportunity to care for patients affected by situations of low self-esteem, for anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and with different types of phobias such as fear of open spaces.

Carme Serret Beltràn She has a degree in psychology and is a recognized specialist in sexology and in family and couples therapy, having cared for a large number of patients affected by problems in relationships and in situations of infidelity.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most are sexual dysfunctions, separation situations and divorce, and she has also cared for people with low self-esteem problems, obtaining very good results.

Jenny Yaima Rodriguez Castellón She has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​she has a master's degree in general health psychology from UNIR, and is also a specialist in gestalt therapy.

She stands out for being a specialist in sexual and couples therapy, attending cases of domestic violence, in infidelity situations, and people with emotional dependence, having improved the quality of life of many patients.

Jasmina sampedro She has a degree in clinical and health psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​has a master's degree in cognitive psychotherapy from the University of Barcelona, ​​and she is also a specialist in general psychology sanitary.

He stands out for being a specialist in sexual and couples therapy, having treated cases of inhibited sexual desire, emotional dependence, and couples in a situation of separation and divorce, obtaining very good results.

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