Education, study and knowledge

The best 9 expert anxiety Psychologists in San Sebastián (Donostia)

Aida Fernandez Cotarelo She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela and has a Doctorate issued by the University of the Basque Country.

Undoubtedly it is thanks to her training that this specialist manages to treat some of the difficulties such as anxiety disorders, mismanagement of the emotion of anger or continued cases of infidelity.

Juncal Alzaga Garmendia is a psychological center located in the city of San Sebastián in which, broadly speaking, they are specialized in the correct application of general health psychology.

In this center they have more than 10 years of experience practicing psychology at a professional level and during this time it is possible It should be noted that these specialists have been able to acquire great skill in treating difficulties suffered by all kinds of people.

Whether we are children, adults or adolescents, we should know that in Juncal Alzaga they can help us address some ailments such as very high levels of anxiety, job stress or depression.

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Serena Psychology is a center in which they specialize in the practice of psychotherapy in women. through the use of the currently so common video calls.

One aspect that is important to highlight about this center is that it also offers its clients the possibility of being able to carry out therapy with them. as a couple, something that can undoubtedly be very useful for us in the event that we are going through an unexpected crisis within our relationship.

Other difficulties that these specialists also tend to treat very often are anxiety disorders, chronic depression and complicated divorce cases.

Jose Luis Laporta He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and also has a specialized Postgraduate in the implementation of psychoanalytic therapy awarded by the Ecole de la Cause Freudienne in Paris, France.

Where the psychologist is, without a doubt, he has more experience, is in the specific treatment of anxiety disorders, work stress, low self-esteem and depression.

Miguel Angel Ruiz González She graduated in Psychology through the University of Deusto and since then, she has accumulated more than 30 years of experience in the practice of psychotherapy both in children and in adults or even in teenagers.

At present, this specialist holds the position of director at the Miguel Ángel Psychology Center located in Bilbao, a place in the that if we need it, they can help us face some difficulties such as anxiety, stress, depression or low self-esteem.

Amaia Amalur Ruiz Las Heras She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto and has a training course issued by the Spanish Association of Psychosomatic Medicine, which formally accredits her as an expert in the specific treatment of Disorders of origin Food.

This psychologist has extensive experience treating difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, learning disorders or relationship crises.

Maria Uriarte Iturralde She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the University of Deusto and later, she specialized in the implementation of Clinical Hypnosis through a training course given by the University of the Country Basque.

We can go to her consultation if we think that we are suffering from too high levels of anxiety, if we are experiencing depression or if we suffer from a serious case of work stress.

Laura Domeque Segura She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and has a Master's degree specialized in Clinical Practice, which she is a specialist, she decided to study through the Spanish Association of Cognitive Clinical Psychology Behavioral.

Among her specialties is the specific treatment of anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, work stress or the inability to control impulses.

Lucia Pérez Vela He obtained his degree in Psychology at the University of the Basque Country and after spending some time, he made the decision to specialize in the field of Clinical Psychopathology studying a specific Master at the National University of Education from distance.

She is an expert treating some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, behavior problems, panic attacks or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

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