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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in anxiety in Córdoba

The psychologist Amparo Moreno Fernandez She is the director and founder of the GET Psychology Center in Córdoba, a center specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, conduct disorders and relationship problems in the partner.

This professional is a specialist in the application of cognitive-behavioral therapy, one of the ones with the most evidence scientific treatment, through which she offers psychological treatment oriented to adults, children, adolescents and couples. In addition to that, it also dominates third-generation therapies in those cases where it is necessary.

The psychologist Mercedes Naranjo Acosta she has a degree in psychology from the University of Malaga, she has a master's degree in child and adolescent psychology and another in emotional intelligence. Throughout her career, she has acquired knowledge and experience to address all types of disorders in patients of all ages.

In addition to being an expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders, this professional also treats eating disorders, low self-esteem and deficit hyperactivity disorders attention.

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The Health Psychologist Rocío Barrientos Morales She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Jaén, has a Master's degree in Sexology, is an expert in Sex Education, social skills and is also a specialist in couples therapy. In addition to that, this professional has experience in treating mood disorders, as well as panic and agoraphobia.

Among her treatment specialties we can also highlight, among others, anxiety disorders In adults, children, adolescents and couples, sleep disorders and problems with the impulse of go to.

The therapist Luis Alonso Echagüe He is the director and founder of the Córdoba Psychologists Center, in which he offers quality therapeutic care to patients from all ages, based on treatment through cognitive behavioral therapy, in a wide variety of disorders different.

The treatment of this professional is based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and also rational-emotional therapy, through which he is able to address disorders such as anxiety, the depression, phobias and addictive disorders.

Antonio J. Ariza He has a Master's Degree in Applied Clinical Psychology, is a specialist in Physical Education Psychology and the sport, and currently combines his profession as a teacher with the exercise of psychological therapy in his office private.

Among the therapeutic techniques that he uses in treating him, we can highlight cognitive-behavioral therapy and therapy. EMDR, to treat a large catalog of disorders, especially anxiety disorders and phobias and addictions of all kind.

Cristina Velasco Moyano She is the director of the PsicoDalia center and a member of the clinical psychopathology and health group of the Official College of Psychologists of Córdoba. In her workplace, she develops the work of offering professional psychological care to patients of all ages with any disorder they wish to treat.

Some of the disorders in which this professional is an expert are the anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders and more.

The psychologist Victoria Rodriguez Vicente She has a degree from the University of Granada, a specialist in Clinical Psychology and specialized in child psychology and cognitive psychology.

Among her treatment specialties we can highlight anxiety disorders in patients of all ages, personality disorders and mood disorders.

The psychologist Fabiola Alcala Medina Its essential objective is to provide the person who comes to your consultation with the necessary tools to achieve the therapeutic objectives between patient and psychologist.

Through cognitive behavioral therapy, she addresses all types of disorders, among which we highlight anxiety disorders, panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The psychologist Francisco M. Arias Domingo He is an expert in treating anxiety, sexual and relationship disorders, depression, and addictive disorders.

At his workplace, he offers professional, personalized and quality therapy, aimed at patients of all ages and children from 6 years of age.

Maria Luisa Vallejo Torres she is an expert psychotherapist in treating anxiety disorders in patients of all ages, on top of that, she also tackles problems in impulse control, depression, and addictive disorders all over kind.

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