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Who was Martin Luther King 🤔Martin Luther King Biography ✊

Martin Luther King was aBaptist activist and pastor of the United States of the SXX. He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta and died on April 4, 1968 in Memphis. Martin Luther King was assassinated. Martin Luther King is known for the peaceful fight against racial segregation and discrimination in his country, the United States.. He is also remembered for his famous speech "I have a dream" that he recited at a mass demonstration in Washington. In his childhood he was the middle of three brothers and he is called Martin Luther King in honor of Martin Luther, creator of Protestantism. Martin Luther King's father was a follower of Martin Luther. His academic life; At the age of 15 he was able to enter a university for African American youth and there, he studied and graduated in sociology and later specialized in theology. At age 25 he was appointed a Baptist pastor. If we focus on the fight against racism, it should be noted that he, in 1955, following the Rosa Parks case (she was that black woman who refused to give her seat on the bus to a white person and for this she was detained), seeing this

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believes that it is a terrible injustice and tries (by peaceful means) peaceful protests and boycott of public transport. In other words, it asks the black population not to use public transport. If you want to know more about the subject "Who Was Martin Luther King - Biography Martin Luther King", do not miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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