Education, study and knowledge

Female anorgasmia (trouble reaching orgasm)

Within the studies that have been done in the field of sexuality, much has been said about the sexual dysfunctions, its origins and its diagnosis. In this writing I would like to make a contribution about one of the most common sexual dysfunctions: female anorgasmia, its causes and its possible treatments.

What is 'Female Anorgasmia'?

Defining it a little above, we could say that female anorgasmia is the inability or difficulty experienced by the woman to reach orgasm. Or, as Lopiccolo (1990) explains, we can also define female anorgasmia as “the persistent difficulty or inability to obtain orgasms given adequate stimulation and a normal arousal phase ”.

One fact that we must bear in mind is that there are stages in which the woman feels the absence of orgasm for small periods. These periods can occur after an important event, such as after the woman has left the stage of labor and some physical damage has been detected; when marital relations are in crisis or when family problems occur, and so on. If all these events are not managed properly, they can lead to an absence of orgasm and the fact of

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not being able to fully enjoy sexuality.

Female anorgasmia is relatively common: types of anorgasmia

It is estimated that 7% to 30% of women suffer from this type of disorder in its three categories (although some groups of scientists distinguish up to five categories). These different types of anorgasmia They are:

  • Primary anorgasmia: refers to women who never had an orgasm.
  • Secondary anorgasmia: occurs in women who had orgasms and then stopped experiencing them.
  • Situational anorgasmia: refers to women who can only have an orgasm under certain circumstances.

Causes of female anorgasmia

Specialists in Medicine, Sexual Health and Psychology agree that female anorgasmia has two possible origins or causes:

Organic factors of female anorgasmia

That is, those that have to do with alcohol consumption, drug abuse, organic problems (such as Rokitanksy syndrome, hormonal problems or disorders in the endocrine system. We could say that these are general health problems.

Psychological factors of female anorgasmia

These factors refer to what is linked to traumatic experiences, sexual abuse (in childhood or adolescence), rigid sexual education, self-esteem, etc.

The importance of culture

It is known that only 6 to 7% of female anorgasmia have a organic cause. In all other cases, the cause is psychological (93% to 94%), and through the consultation and psychological interview, its origin can be known.

We cannot forget the cultural factors and social factors that influence the appearance of female anorgasmia. Not so long ago, it was believed that only the woman should satisfy her partner, denying that the woman could have an interest or sexual desire. This cultural heritage has not yet completely faded in the West, and that can be a source of problems. In addition, shame, ignorance of the subject and taboos have made many women of the past and of our days continue to suffer this problem in silence, without seeking efficient professional help for the cure of the same.

Today, in certain parts of the planet there is still a system deeply macho where this idea that the woman is the property of the man and she has to satisfy him affects the lives of many people very negatively. In certain countries, both African and Middle Eastern, clitoridectomy (removal or ablation clitoris), which is nothing more than a heightened symptom of the cultural roots that affect many women in many parts of the world (also in countries rich).

Partly, these are the causes that make many women inhibit their ability to reach orgasm during sex, which can translate into a picture of female anorgasmia.


For a good diagnosis it is necessary go to a professional of mental health specialized in these disorders. The specialists affirm that 80% of the women who come to consultations come to solve their problem of anorgasmia. During consultations, it is necessary to inquire into the personal history of the person experiencing female anorgasmia, and Obviously, also investigate how sexual experiences have been or were throughout his life.


The cognitive behavioral therapies they are effective. Few specialists recommend a Pharmacotherapy, and they do it as long as there is organic damage that requires the use of a drug.

The role of the couple is also very important, since the Emotional Support, commitment and collaboration can increase the chances of successful treatment, they play a very important role in sexual relations.

Rodes, Piqué and Trilla (2007) detail a chart of sexual skills that most professionals recommend as homework. These recommendations are:

  • Encourage the woman to explore her body, especially her genitals.
  • During the practice of masturbation exercises, try to imitate the orgasmic response through sounds and movements.
  • Receive manual stimulation of the clitoris by the partner, indicating movement and frequency.
  • Manually stimulate the clitoris during intercourse.

Bibliographic references:

  • Horse, V. (2010). Therapy and Behavior Modification (2010). Faculty of Psychological Sciences of the University of Guayaquil. Ecuador.
  • Rodez, Pique, Trilla (2007). Health book of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and the BBV Foundation. BBV Foundation. Bilbao.
  • Sánchez Hernández, Monje Hernández and Gándara (2005). Human Sexuality: a comprehensive approach. Editorial Panamericana. Madrid.

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