Education, study and knowledge

The 13 best Psychologists in Getafe

See Awakenings is an entity specialized in psychotherapy, and treats patients at its center on Calle Madrid No. 65. His team of psychologists has many years of experience caring for people with all kinds of problems: depression, phobias and anxiety disorders, Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive, psychological trauma, grief over the loss of loved ones, learning disorders, addictions, eating disorders, and many others.

Couples therapy and family therapy services are also performed, for those cases in which the The origin of the problem is not so much in oneself as in a relationship or in the way of relating to the rest.

The psychologist William Miatello is a specialist in serving adolescents, young people, adults and couples, online or in person in any problem they may have, both personally and professionally.

This professional graduated in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba, has a Master's degree in Psychoanalysis and a career professional for more than 10 years, in which he has been continuously trained and updated his knowledge to offer the best service possible.

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His therapy modality is psychoanalytic, applied jointly with Family Systems and Family and Couple Therapy, tools with which he attends anxiety and depression disorders, relationship problems, sexual difficulties, addictions, eating disorders and work problems.

The online therapy center Psychology 360 It is made up of a select team of multidisciplinary professionals specialized in treating all kinds of disorders and specific problems in people of all ages.

The main therapies applied in the center in an integrated manner by its professionals are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment, Coaching, Mindfulness and other guidelines of proven effectiveness, adapted at all times to the needs of the client.

In addition to that, some of the specialties of the Psychology 360 center are anxiety disorders of all kinds, stress, addictions, problems at work, eating disorders, family conflicts and crisis partner.

The General Health Psychologist Sandra García Sánchez Beato She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED and also a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid.

As director of the center Adhara Psychology, this professional offers the best solutions for people of all ages who can present any type of problem, with the help of a multidisciplinary team of professionals and in face-to-face sessions or distance.

Her intervention is based on the Integrative and Existential Humanist orientation, in which she combines different therapies of proven empirical efficacy, such as Mindfulness, Bioenergetic Therapy or Cognitive-behavioral Therapy.

This integrative intervention helps this professional to successfully deal with family conflicts of all kinds, cases of self-harm, depression and anxiety, emotional problems, relationship problems and cases of self harm.

In addition to that, other of his most notable degrees are a Master in Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy, another Master in Humanist Psychotherapy Integrative in Children and Adolescents, another Master in Contemplative Psychotherapies and a Training Course of Specialist in Child Therapy Gestalt.

The psychologist Joan Rullan Pou cares for children, adolescents and also adults through an intervention based on Third Generation Therapies, tools of high proven efficacy.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​this professional has a Master's degree in Contextual Therapies by the MICPSY center and a Postgraduate Course in Coaching and Personal Leadership by the Institut Eraser.

Joan Rullan Pou's services are offered both online and in person at his consultation and some of the areas he addresses frequently are anxiety disorders and impulsivity, depression, behavioral problems, emotional problems, low self esteem and stress.

The titled Coach Juan F. Hdez. Navarrese He has an Expert Diploma in Applied Emotional Intelligence from La Salle University.

Throughout his career, this professional has specialized in caring for people with emotional problems of any type, with self-esteem problems, emotional management deficits or vital problems of any nature.

Her services are offered both in person and remotely for those who may request it.

The Health Psychologist Elena Almodovar She is licensed by the CAM and has a professional experience of more than 15 years of experience, in which she has worked in various mental health centers and she has specialized in serving people of all ages, as well as couples as well families

Graduated in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, this professional has a Master's degree in Behavior Therapy and Health, she is an expert in Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents and has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychology of the Health.

Her intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy, such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, tools with which he treats addictions of all kinds, trauma, relational problems, depression, low self-esteem, chronic pain and impulsiveness.

The psychologist Javier Ares She graduated in Clinical Psychology with Honorable Mention from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, another Master in General Health Psychology and a Master in Psychotherapy Cognitive-behavioral.

This professional is a specialist in treating depression problems in adolescents, adults, people seniors and also couples, and her services are offered online with all possible comforts.

The Psychologist and Coach Monica dosil She has more than 25 years of professional experience and is a specialist in serving people of all ages, as well as families and couples, online.

Her intervention is based on the application of Coaching together with other highly effective therapies and among her specialties are cases of depression and anxiety, relationship problems, sexual dysfunctions, low self-esteem and problems emotional

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​this professional has a Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology, a Master in Eating Disorders, a third Master in Social Gerontology and a Coach Training Course in Results.

TO Covadonga Martinez You can find her in her private office on Madrid street, in Getafe.

This psychologist is another of the most recommended if you are looking for psychotherapy to treat sexual disorders and relationship problems, addictive disorders, problems with fibromyalgia, low self-esteem or in general the assistance of an expert in clinical psychology, since she can treat the most emotional and relational problems common.

Jose Angel Martin She graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and also has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the same university.

Thanks to his training, this psychologist is an expert in giving psychotherapy to disorders such as disorders in children and adolescents, anxiety problems, and also offering assistance to people with anxiety problems. addiction.

On Calle Barco, in Getafe, you will find one of the most recommended psychologists in this Madrid municipality.

After graduating in Psychology, Mariana lopez He completed three university master's degrees, one in Clinical Psychology of Adults, Children and Adolescents, another in Psychomotor skills and another in Child-Adolescent Psychology.

Thanks to this training, Mariana is an expert in treating problems such as oppositional defiant disorder, social withdrawal, and separation anxiety disorder.

We can find another of the best psychologists in Getafe in her private office on Calle Concepción.

After graduating in Psychology, Vanessa Rodriguez she specialized in three areas, psychogeriatrics, cognitive behavioral therapy, and forensic psychology.

In addition, this psychologist has experience treating sequelae of mobbing (workplace harassment), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anxiety disorders, among other disorders.

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