Education, study and knowledge

What is critical thinking and how to develop it?

We can read that man reached the Moon or that he never did, observe the report of the results of a scientific experiment or we can see on television what we think may be a demonstration massive.

We can believe in it or not, taking into account that what comes to us from the media, what we read, what they tell us... all of this may be the product of an error or due to interests or opinions skewed.

Today we have to be able to doubt everything, reflecting and evaluating what we perceive and / or what it communicates to us. That is why we can ask ourselves about the capacity to carry out this screen. What is critical thinking and how to develop it?

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Critical thinking: defining the concept

Critical thinking is the ability manifested by the human being to analyze and evaluate existing information regarding a topic or determined, trying to clarify the veracity of said information and reach a justified idea about it, ignoring possible biases external.

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We apply critical thinking to try to discern the reality of what we are told and perceived from the analysis of the reasoning used to explain it. In a way analogous to what I proposed DiscardsIt is about doubting the information, dogmas and absolute axioms that surround us until we ourselves can give them truth or otherwise ignore them. With this, we seek to have a justified idea of ​​reality and not blindly accept what others tell us.

This type of thinking, linked to skepticism, helps the human being to create his own identity, appearing throughout development and being especially visible in adolescence and after it. It is not about opposing the world, but about being able to elaborate our own point of view based on the verification and contrast of data. What is intended with critical thinking is to eliminate fallacies and biases that compromise the objectivity of the data investigated.

Critical thinking is closely related to other capacities such as creativity, logic or intuition, allowing us to develop new strategies and ways of seeing and perceiving things. Having a good capacity for critical thinking helps us avoid conformism and advance as human beings, avoiding that there is only one way of seeing the world.

Critical and non-wishful thinking

Before we have indicated that critical thinking helps us not to get carried away by the opinion of others and consider this something totally true and correct. However, critical thinking should not be confused with acting on our impulses.

Yes OK Being critical of what you take for granted is a great help To improve ourselves and create new ways of seeing the world, that does not mean that we have to depend on what we create without more. This could lead us to think that what we want or think about something is the truth, which in turn can lead us to commit cognitive biases.

For example, a person with major depression may believe that his condition will never change and that everything he tries does not matter at all. This does not mean that this is the case, finding (either alone or with professional help) positive things in your life that will help you improve your condition.

Critical thinking itself implies being able to put aside the different fallacies and biases to focus on seeking a truth as justified and reasonable as possible, looking for evidence and evidence that what is said or done is true. It is based on the search for objectivity, avoiding the subjective and manipulative elements that other people or even oneself can introduce in the analysis of the information.

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What skills does critical thinking entail?

We have made a description of what critical thinking is. However, it is worth asking what exactly is necessary to have it? Having critical thinking assumes that the individual who has it possesses to some degree the following skills or traits.

1. Reflection capacity

To be able to have a critical mindset it is necessary be able to reflect on things in abstract terms. That is, to be able to associate the information that comes to us with its meaning at a level both superficial and deep, as well as the implications that said information has with respect to the rest of reality.

2. Flexibility

Critical thinking implies the ability to doubt that what we perceive or think we perceive is true, accepting the possibility that there are other different alternatives of the proposal (s). Thus, a certain mental flexibility is necessary to allow us to visualize that other perspectives different from the usual one can be objective and produce the desired results.

3. Logic and bias detection

The capacity of visualize logic or lack of it In the things that we analyze, as well as the possible failures and biases that the statements and thoughts regarding them may have, it is essential in this regard. If we are not able to detect specific aspects of the argument that do not quite correspond to reality or that lack an explanation, it is not possible to make a well-founded criticism.

4. Theory of mind

It is necessary to bear in mind that all statements and opinions are made by human beings, who present their opinions based on what they consider correct. So that, knowledge may be biased even on purpose, if you are looking for a target with your transmission.

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5. Ability to doubt things

In order not to accept any explanation, it is necessary to be able to question its veracity. However, it is necessary that the doubts are limited to the reasonable, otherwise all existing principles could be doubted. And while it would be a type of critical thinking, excessive skepticism would not lead to any resolution.

6. Motivation and curiosity

To doubt something, it is very useful that what we doubt is significant to us. We can be critical of something that we do not care about, but the presence of high motivation and curiosity about the subject or the arguments given implies that an attempt will be made to find a truthful and justifiable solution.

Methods to enhance critical thinking

Critical thinking is a very useful ability and nowadays highly sought after by society, both at work level and in other aspects of life. For this reason, it is of great interest to be able to enhance it. To this end, we have various activities and habits that can be useful to us.

1. Try to keep an open mind

We all have our opinions about what surrounds us. However, to think critically it is necessary to bear in mind that ours or the explanation that society offers may not be the only or the most accurate. It's more complicated than it seems, but we must allow in our mind the acceptance of other positions, no matter how different they may be from our own.

2. Try to train empathy

Being able to put yourself in the shoes of others makes it easier to understand how they have reached the conclusions they have reached. Some activity that can facilitate empathy is the performance of role-playings, theater, or the expression and communication of emotions and thoughts to others.

3. Actively participate in discussions

The best way to increase proficiency in a skill is to exercise it. Thus, participation in forums and debates It is very useful when confronting the opinions, beliefs and data found by different people.

4. Analyze texts and videos

Analysis of different materials can help improve critical thinking skills. It is especially important to look at the possible goals or motives a person might have for creating such material. You can start with simple material and clearly based on subjective elements, such as opinion columns or advertising elements. Later we can advance by incorporating more technical and apparently objective material.

5. Avoid bandwagon and underdog effects

Many people agree to an opinion because it is either supported by the majority or ignored by the majority. It is necessary that our thinking is not influenced by the fact that others pay more or less attention to the fact or information in question.

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6. Challenge stereotypes

Society constantly generates stereotypes regarding a large number of topics. Try to choose one of them and look for information that puts it in question to see to what extent it serves to explain reality.

7. Find and compare contradictory elements

It is easy to find posts on controversial topics about which there is no clear or absolutely certain general opinion. Finding two confronted opinions and analyzing each one of them allows observe what weaknesses these arguments have, helping to be able to analyze other future information.

8. Research and train

In order to be able to discuss something, it is necessary to know what we are talking about. Be informed about what is happening in the world it will allow us to put into perspective the information we receive from abroad, including the means by which we have been informed.

9. Learn to separate information from what it causes you

Emotions help us to give an internal meaning to what happens to us and what we live. However, in many cases they cause us to behave or think in a certain way solely on the basis of these sensations. This can lead us to consider what something makes us feel as the only truth.

10. Try to listen to your intuition

Despite what has been said in the inner point, sometimes our mind acts in a concrete way that we cannot rationally explain. Intuition is sometimes conceptualized as the result of unconscious information processing, that is, as an internal analysis of the information that we have not processed at a conscious level. However, it must be borne in mind that this intuition can also be biased.

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