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Who was Darius III of Persia

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain a "Who was Darius III of Persia".

Who was Darius III of Persia. Darius III of Persia. Darius III of Persia he was a king belonging to the family of the achenemids who reigned in Persia from 336 BC. C. to 329 a. C. It is true that Darío was born in Persia around 380 BC. C. and died in Bactria 329 BC. C. Darius III of Persia he came to power because the previous king, Artajeres III, was assassinated 338 BC C. The murderers (the plot of assassins who had assassinated the previous king) thought of Darius III as the new king because they thought he would be easily manipulated. The thing They did not go well and Darío III showed a lot of character. So much so that the very ones who had sponsored him to power, seeing that he was taking too much power, also tried to kill him but, far-sighted Darío, he managed to thwart that plot. Let's look at the first years of his tenure. The first thing he had to do is control the setrapías, the satpas that were the various rulers of his vast empire as many were more concerned with his personal interests and not they were loyal.

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Darius III of Persia had to face one of them to ensure his loyalty and obedience. Also conquered Egypt and above all (the last times of the first years) he prepared to face Philip II of Macedon that he had proposed to invade Persia as revenge for what the Persians had done a short time before, which was to destroy Athens and sack much of Greece.

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