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The 11 best Psychologists who are experts in Phobias in Cartagena

The psychologist Esmeralda Garcia She attends to phobias of all kinds in people of all ages together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals and in sessions offered both online and in person.

Her intervention is based on assessing the needs of the person cared for in its entirety, on analyzing their strengths and enhance them, as well as in promoting processes of self-knowledge and development personal.

The main therapies that Esmeralda García applies to achieve this are Mindfulness, Brief Therapy or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, all of them wide scientific evidence and with which she addresses, in addition to phobias, self-esteem problems, developmental disorders, behavior problems or cases of harm cerebral.

Trinidad Fresno She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia and is a renowned psychologist with consultation at the city ​​of Cartagena, which is a great expert in treating people affected by different types of phobias

Throughout her career as a psychologist, she has treated people with phobias of various types, among which patients with agoraphobia stand out,

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claustrophobia, fear of flying, and other pathologies such as emotional problems and insomnia.

Hope Merlos She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Granada, she has a Master's degree in Clinical Practice and cognitive behavioral therapy, and has also completed a Master's degree in contextual therapies.

During her professional career, patients affected by various types of disorders have been found, including those that highlight disorders caused by phobias such as agoraphobia, arachnophobia, and with terrors nocturnal.

Isabel Celdrán She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia, she is a specialist in clinical psychology and health by the same organization, and she has taken a course in gestalt therapy and psychotherapy emotional.

Her therapeutic approach is based on psycho-body therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, she being a great She is an expert in treating phobias such as claustrophobia, fear of driving, or fear of spaces open.

Maria Teresa Aguirre Bonnet she has a degree in psychology from the University of Murcia, she has a master's degree in clinical and health psychology from the same organization, and is also a specialist in humanistic psychotherapy

He has treated a large number of patients affected by fears and phobias, among which we find the fear of closed spaces also known as claustrophobia, fear of spiders, and with phobia Social.

Sonia Collados Solano She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia, with a specialty in third generation psychological therapy, and He is also a great expert in controlling anger and frustration in children and adolescents, by the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.

He is a great specialist in acceptance and commitment therapies, and positive psychology, having treated patients with various types of phobias, including fear of flying, social phobia, and fear of spiders and other types of insects

Hector Peraza Diaz He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia, has a Master's degree in Human Resources Management, and is also a specialist in the area of ​​EMDR therapy.

He is a great expert in the field of sexual and relationship disorders, as well as being a specialist in the treatment of different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, social phobia, fear of heights, and panic of insects such as spiders.

Ignacio Gallego Rubio He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia, has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, and has also completed a course in dynamic dissemination of psychology.

She is a great expert in general health psychology, in personal and sports coaching, and is specialized in the treatment of people with phobias, having obtained excellent results after the treatment.

Laura Armero She is graduated in Psychology from the University of Murcia, has a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice, and has completed another Master's Degree in Neuropsychology from the International University of Valencia.

She is an expert in cognitive behavioral therapy and couples therapy, as well as having extensive experience in treatment of patients with different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, fear of flying, phobia of heights, and spaces closed.

Marta Torres Mateu She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Murcia, she has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from the same organization, and is a specialist in child and youth psychology from the same center.

She is a specialist in psychological intervention and in psychotherapy for adults and adolescents, having tried everything types of fears and phobias such as fear of flying, fear of heights, claustrophobia and agoraphobia, among other

Ana Cristina Pérez Casanova She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Murcia, has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology, and has she completed a course in gestalt psychotherapy, being a great expert in the treatment of phobias in adults and teenagers.

She has treated different types of phobias during her professional career, among which the phobia stands out. school, zoophobia, fear of heights, and agoraphobia, having obtained excellent results in their her patients.

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