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Summary of Italian unification

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Summary of Italian unification".

Italian unification or "il risorgimento"It is a political and social movement through which the entire Italian peninsula was unified in a single state. Before that, since the Roman Empire fell, the Italian peninsula had been fragmenting into various states.

It was not until XIX century that thanks to the nationalist and unifying yearnings that swept through all of Europe, they achieved bring together all those various states and nations that were within the Italian peninsula into one Condition. The principle of this process is not very clear, the experts do not agree. But they do agree that, it could be said, that in the Congress of Vienna, when Napoleon was defeated definitively, in 1815, that the winning states shared the conquests of Napoleon.

The north of Italy is in the hands of France and Austria, the center is a few duchies, the south is in the hands of the Bourbon monarchy... and it was terminated in 1871 with the definitive annexation of Rome. Therefore, the entire Italian peninsula, Sicily and Sardinia remain in the hands of a single government and forming a single state or nation. Let's do some history. As I was saying, the Roman Empire is being diluted and different states are emerging in Italy. Since they all had the same race, religious creed, and shared a common historical past, these things were those that, over time, acted as a unifier so that the entire Italian peninsula was a single country.

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