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Personal branding for psychologists on the internet and social networks


Personal branding for psychologists and how to get more patients online

Whether you want to boost your psychology company or your own personal image as a psychologist, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the communication and interaction possibilities that social media and social networks offer you they provide. So do not waste them, because they can give you prestige, notoriety and reputation.

Since there is great competition in today's job market, psychologists need to cultivate their own personal (and professional) brand. The way you present yourself in front of others can help you find a job or clients, therefore it is important that you know exactly who you are, what you do and why you are important. In this way you can fully exploit your personal branding (personal brand).

Branding means making a brand

The term 'branding' began to be used in the business world, but we all have a personal brand, even if we have not cultivated it.

'Branding' refers to developing and shaping a brand that allows a user to identify with certain symbols, ideas or experiences that go beyond the simple product or service with which it is intended to do deal. This is made up of the Brand Personality (Brand Being) and the Brand Behavior (Brand Behavior). For example, Red Bull's personality is: daring, restless, optimistic, challenging,… and its behaviors are: dangerous, exploring, happy, challenging.

instagram story viewer

The 'branding' exposes those characteristic values ​​of the company that grant uniqueness and credibility, and that allow you to differentiate yourself from other competitors, as they cause a unique impact on the market.

Digitization and the changing job landscape for psychologists

The world and the economy are changing and the relationships between companies and professionals have been undergoing a transformation that has caused a very different job outlook from 20 ago years.

The forms of professional development of that time are already out of date, and it is necessary to realize that in many sectors job stability has disappeared. Few finish their degree and enter the job market directly. Rather, it is about conquering a mountain, so it is necessary to talk about projects and strategies to achieve it, instead of talking about routes already marked. The control is carried out by oneself, and one must be able to design, develop and manage their own professional strategic plan.

Personal branding for psychologists: the importance of being visible

This is especially important for psychologists, since the competition that exists between professionals in our union is great for such a limited labor market.

The concept of branding, therefore, is also applicable to help psychologists to occupy a preferential place in the minds of other people. The personal brand seeks to identify and communicate your worth and competence, your usefulness and your reliability so that you are perceived as the psychologist who they should hire or who is worth working with. The objective is, therefore, that they consider that the best option is you and that they finally choose you. Having a well-placed and valued personal brand increases the chances of success in situations in which there is a lot of competition and in which you must be chosen among several options.

The concept of personal branding became popular after an article by Tom Peters called “A Brand Called You” that was published in Fast Company Magazine more than 10 years ago. Peters states that “regardless of age, position or business, we all need to understand the importance of personal branding. We are directors of our own company: Yo Corp. ”. And he concludes: "To be in business today, our best job is to be the head of marketing for the brand called YOU."

Therefore, personal branding is a powerful and clear idea that appears in the mind of another person when they think of you, it is the imprint that you have left in their mind. It is the way you manage and communicate your true values, beliefs, feelings and talent, and it is the perception that others have of you.

As a psychologist you must create a brand to attract more patients

How would you like other people to see you if they Google you? What specialty of psychology would you like to be associated with? Which clients do you want to address? Before you start thinking about designing a strategic plan about your personal brand, it is important that you know who you are, what you offer and why you are important and different from others.

Your image and your personality are your basic tools when it comes to standing out and differentiating yourself from other competitors, but what goes To build customer or patient loyalty is the relationship between the image you are going to show and your values, which is what will create trust. Therefore, a defined image consistent with your principles will be valued positively by others. The image you show must be reinforced in all aspects and must be consistent with the values ​​you promote.

The use of Social Media for psychologists

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to social media. Many people think that social media is synonymous with social networks, when it is not. Understanding the difference between the two terms is crucial to a good marketing strategy.

The social media or social media is the platform, application or means of online communication that is used by many users to create an online interaction in order to share ideas, news and interests individuals. That is, through these you can share articles, images, videos, audios, and you can have chat conversations or videoconferences. The best known are: Linkedin (ideal for professionals, also psychologists), Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter ...


Instead, a social network is the act that is established when several users interact through a social media. This interaction is motivated by common interests or tastes, and causes a communication network to exist between Internet users. Social media is a powerful tool for psychologists, since it allows you to share texts, videos, audios, etc., and then create communities that are interesting on a professional level.

That said, it is important that you take into account the possibility of privatizing your profiles to have a more professional image and so that, in this way, you make the most of your exposure. The social medium allows you to build the best possible image as a professional psychologist, but it can also have the opposite effect if you do not take care of it.

Finally, you should keep in mind that creating a web page becomes indispensable nowadays, and it is a good way for search tools to know that you exist. From the outset, it doesn't have to be wonderful, but it will allow you to have visibility in the 2.0 world, which is what interests you.

What should you keep in mind when projecting your personal branding "online"?

Here is a list of the points that you must take into account when making yourself visible on the internet.

Identity: You must have your own identity and be very clear about what you offer. Be it a blog, online therapy, or a YouTube channel, it is important that you have a clear identity in mind so as not to confuse your potential clients or followers. In addition, your image and your way of acting must be consistent. You must have a unique identity and differentiate yourself from others to have a greater impact.

Purpose: Identity and objective go hand in hand. Therefore, your purpose or objective must be associated with your personal branding if you want to be successful. Whatever objective you have, it must be consistent with what you offer. For example, if you sell yourself as ADHD expertIt doesn't make much sense for you to offer yourself services as a human resources consultant. In these cases, specificity works best.

Visibility: Making yourself visible requires good planning and a strategy that allows you to promote your personal brand. There are many tactics you can use to achieve this. Investigate them.

Differentiation: With as much competition as there is today, you need to set yourself apart from the rest. Know your full potential and sell your best.

Confidence: As already discussed, the personality of the brand and the behavior of the brand must be consistent. Especially in the field of psychology, trust and credibility are extremely necessary to attract others. If you lose consistency, your brand is weak, and once this happens, trust is difficult to regain. The main value of the personal brand is to generate trust, which, in the end, is what an individual chooses. This is where the most emotional part of the brain comes into play. Therefore, the important thing is not to create a personal brand, but to cultivate it. This is the best way to build trust.

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