Education, study and knowledge

The psychological effects of the pandemic

We live in a consumer society and in the age of over-information. This year 2020 is being one of the most difficult in a sense not only of health, but also economic, social, family, psychological and emotional.

The coronavirus pandemic that began to appear in the media (and later in our lives) in early year has left a very important months of confinement, and therefore a psychological mark on the population. From the media the news continues.

But... What truth is there in this? How has this pandemic really affected us and how does it continue to affect us in relation to our well-being and personal growth? And above all, what are we psychologists really finding in the consultation?

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Psychological impact of the coronavirus pandemic on society

You have read a lot of news stories about increases in anxiety, stress and even depression, which can cause an even more serious pandemic of mood disorders.

However, this is still difficult to predict today

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, as there has been no conclusive research on it. The only thing that psychologists know is what is happening now with the people we accompany and, above all, how to solve it.

Why is it so urgent that we solve these difficulties as soon as possible? Because it is also existing a considerable increase in people who are taking antidepressants and anxiolytics, and although it is true that on some occasions and under a correct diagnosis people can get to need drugs, it is not the real or definitive solution to treat the vast majority of these problems.

For more than 10 years I have been accompanying people as a psychologist and coach in their processes of personal (or professional) change and the data is clear: When there is drug use (not strictly necessary in many cases), recovery is slower and the possibility of learning is reduced. limits.

Remember: we cannot change the world or people (or of course the current pandemic situation) but we can we can learn to understand and manage our emotions and to deal with this situation as well as possible (and even come out of it strengthened).

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4 implications for our personal, psychological and emotional life

Social psychology has investigated for how long and what psychological effects a situation of social impact causes that modifies our lifestyle. Currently it is not possible to measure the long-term impact that this pandemic may have on our lives, but we know, for example, that the impact of the Spanish civil war and his subsequent forty years of dictatorship have an effect of up to seven generations (submissive behaviors, fear of authority, certain domestic violence, insecurity, etc.).

The effects of the pandemic are a mystery for now, but we do know one thing: that the pandemic continues (since media, our social life, uncertainty, etc.) and that it has already wreaked clear havoc on the people. Since March, they have increased in consultation (in my case, consultation completely online, since I accompany people from anywhere in the world) the cases of people who were about to consume medication or were already consuming it.

In these cases, recovery exists, but it is more gradual and takes more time. For this reason it is important to tackle the problem as soon as possible and transform it into a solution (thanks to your own learning and personal change).

In this video I will tell you in detail what these 4 impacts are and how you can face the difficulty and above all that it is a learning that will serve you for your whole life.

Since I accompany as a psychologist and coach and for more than 10 years people who want to achieve changes in their lives thanks to their own personal change. Currently, the changes that people are most needing is precisely learning to manage all this anxiety, fear, insecurity and discouragement that the pandemic has infected us.

Emotions are not in themselves negative, but necessary information that helps us react, know ourselves, adapt and grow. Ignoring them implies that they conquer us and we end up living based on that fear and anxiety, even though the pandemic has already ended. If you learn to understand and manage them, you will have them on your side to live with confidence, peace, acceptance, in addition to the necessary prudence (living "without fear" is not only impossible but dysfunctional. Fear is necessary but that it doesn't conquer your life is even more so)

The exposure to fear that we experience from the media (not only from television but practically from all our electronic devices) has caused us a constant sense of alertness, which generates anguish and anxiety. The fear, the sense of alarm, is functional only for a practical and very short time. When it conquers our day-to-day life, it can quickly lead us to an anxious and depressive situation.

The solution cannot come from outside, since we cannot control what happens around us. The only solution you can handle is your own personal change. Psychologists and coaches, in this regard, can only decide to facilitate the help instead of making it more difficult. Above all, have lots of courage, enthusiasm and commitment. Everything will change if the change occurs in you.

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