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Are Freemasons and Illuminati the same?

Are Freemasons and Illuminati the same?

Image: Zero Point

The secret societies have always caused quite a stir and admiration over the centuries, in fact, there are many movies or games in recent years in which these types of companies appear, which in turn are the depositories of a series of “very important” secrets for the world and that they keep with suspicion. In this lesson from a TEACHER we ask you this question: Are Freemasons and Illuminati the same? If you want to know the answer, we invite you to continue reading.

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  1. Freemasons: what are they
  2. Illuminatis: what are they
  3. Freemasons and Illuminati are NOT the same

Freemasons: what are they.

We begin the lesson on whether Masons and Illuminati are the same with the group of Masons. It was a fairly hermetic society that from the 16th century began to function in Europe. They were the continuators of the old guilds of artisans, which with the arrival of modernity lost their fate.

From that moment on, these societies began to have a philosophical, philanthropic and symbolic activity.

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Although their common denominator factor is that they were "Catholic" (at first), over the centuries, members are required to believe that there is something beyond. During their meetings it was tried that the members of the lodges discuss on diverse subjects, because according to these it is there where the knowledge is.

Are divided into various stadiums depending on how long they have been:

  • Apprentices: they are the initiates and they have begun to train in how things should be done within society.
  • Classmates: they openly engage in dialogue with other members on various life issues.
  • Teachers: they are the most active within the organization.

Little else is known about their own activities, since you cannot access the interior of one of the lodges if you are not invited by a member of it. In the same way, the entry of women into society is currently not allowed, although today in Mexico It seems that there is a female-only lodge belonging to the Masons (it is not known whether dependent or independent of the great lodge).

Are Freemasons and Illuminati the same? - Freemasons: what are they


Illuminatis: what are they.

We continue with our question about whether Masons and Illuminati are the same, going on to talk about the Order of the Perfectibilists or Illuminati of Bavaria that he was born on May 1, 1776 in Ingostadt (Bavaria).

According to the theories and notions that are had about the beginning of the same, it was created by Adam Weishaupt with the intention to overthrow governments and kingdoms of the world, in addition to ending the religion that was the "great social scourge." After that a new world orderl.

According to the different authors, are related to the emergence of anarchism and communism, because they seek that the beliefs of each person create perfection, although of course, they are only the disclosure of thoughts, since the organization is secret and therefore hermetic and nothing can be known exactly about that.

It is known of the first order that in the year 1782 they tried to control the freemasons. From its foundation until that year, various Illuminati were introduced in the different lodges winning adepts within these to go on to control part of them, as a way to ensure what later would happen.

In that year an international congress of the lodges was held where the Illuminati offered the opportunity to merge, although finally the grand lodge and the others refused to do so, as much of the of the members of the Masonic lodges belonged to the governments that they wanted to dismantle.

Are Freemasons and Illuminati the same? - Illuminatis: what are they


Freemasons and Illuminati are NOT the same.

To end our lesson we have to say that They are not the same These two organizations since one, Freemasonry, seeks intellectual growth within the group, without the need for anything else.

While the Illuminati seek (according to known theories) to end the established regime to impose a new system at the international or world level, in which private property would not exist, among other elements.

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