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How to enhance body acceptance? 10 useful tips

They bombard us with all kinds of bodies that are supposed to be the beautiful ones, making us self-conscious about what we have because we are not like them. We have no chest, we lack muscles, we are fat or bald.

All this is the origin of many complexes and, also, of a lack of self-esteem. We want to be like them and them, but we simply are not. We think "How unfair life is!", Without realizing that most of the covers of gossip magazines and TV ads are the product of Photoshop-style digital programs.

Whatever body we have, and as long as it is healthy, we must accept ourselves as we are. Here let's see how to enhance body acceptance.

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How to enhance body acceptance?

It happens to all men and women that we are not comfortable with some part of our body. It is typical that women do not agree with the shape of their hips, the size of their chest or that they look too fat. Men tend to be dissatisfied with not having enough muscle or having tickets, among many other complexes.

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The male and female beauty canon are different, but not for that reason equally cruel. Trying to be like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt is equally difficult for both women and men, making them and them be dissatisfied in equal parts and constantly comparing themselves with others and, especially, with what the media tells us. bombard.

They have put into our heads how we should be that the thing has become delusional. We look in the mirror and do not find what we would like to be, exaggerating our flaws and considering that we do not deserve to be loved because we are simply not perfect. But it is that perfection does not exist. Don't be fooled, what you see on TV or on networks like Instagram is false, the product of digital image modification techniques. And if they haven't photoshopped it, it was the work of a scalpel. That beauty is not natural. Let us not envy the artificial.

After all this reflection, we go on to see a few tips on how to enhance body acceptance. The idea behind all this is that each body is the way it is, either because we were born that way or because some event in our lives, such as an accident or having suffered an illness, has left us scars But it is that scars are a symbol of survival, of being heroes and heroines. Beauty is something much more than just the sight of beautiful things; it is a much more complex concept, more transcendental.

1. Focus on how good you are

A good exercise to be aware of the many good things we have is to make a list with a minimum of 10 things that you like about yourself, considering your physical appearance, such as your smile, your hair, your hands, your legs ...

More internal aspects should not be overlooked, such as personality, which is what truly defines us, in addition to our intellectual abilities, such as our reasoning and ease with languages ​​or mathematics, for example.

It is a good idea to post this list somewhere visible in the house, such as on the bedroom door or on the refrigerator. Thus, every day you can read it and be aware of the many good things you have.

2. Eat well

Food is not your enemy, quite the contrary. It is evident that human beings need to eat to be able to live but, in addition, it is to be beautiful and handsome to eat correctly.

A body that lacks nutrients is a body that can start to have very serious health problems., which can be manifested in the form of hair loss, extreme thinness, skin with a yellowish tone ...

Never stop eating to lose weight. If you have an unhealthy relationship with food, the best way to address it is by asking for professional help.

3. Be and surround yourself with positive people

Unfortunately, there are people who like to highlight our flaws.. It is very common that those who are not satisfied with their own body, instead of trying to address their own problems and show empathy towards others, prefer to sink others. Let's not be like them.

We must accept that each one is as he is. Almost no one falls within the canon of beauty that has been tried to impose on us. What we should not do is rejoice in the misery of others to try to boost our morale. Let's not be bad people.

The best thing is to look for people who give off positivism and acceptance, who are very clear that, always within the healthy, each person is as they are. Thus, if you find yourself in a bad moment you can turn to them to advise you and remind you how important you are.

4. Accept your own body

In order to improve self-esteem and increase self-confidence, it is important to try to accept functional changes, in case there have been changes derived from a disease, as well as the new body image.

This is especially useful in cancer patients, who may have lost some part of the body due to treatment, such as hair or the chest. This, in fact, can motivate the experience of a grieving process. Throughout these stages it can be helpful to express emotions such as frustration, disappointment, hopelessness, or anguish, to help mitigate psychic pain.

Once these phases have passed, it is good to try to make the effort to accept what the new body is like and understand that the body is still a packaging in which our soul is found. If we are still alive, isn't that what really matters?

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5. Pamper yourself

Many people with low self-esteem consider that pampering is not worth it, applying very harshly the saying that "even if the monkey dresses in cute silk, it stays" and they stop going to the hairdresser, they don't dress in nice clothes or they spend everything.

Your body is worth it and deserves it. Make up, dress well, put on the piercing you wanted, get that tattoo that you liked so much... do whatever you want that you consider to beautify your body.

If, on the other hand, as you are, you already look beautiful or beautiful, very good for you, you are satisfied with how you are. The important thing is not what you do and what you stop doing, but that you do it because you want to do it, because you want to pamper yourself.

6. Consider the issues that have affected your body image

What has made you look ugly or ugly in the mirror? Identifying any peer pressure or personal problems that led to this situation can be especially helpful in directly addressing the source of the problem.

Factors such as having undergone a surgical intervention, having experienced physical or emotional abuse, being diagnosed with a Eating disorder or having a physical defect are difficult things to change, and the focus should be on feeling, not on the cause.

This is where seeking professional help is especially recommended, since it will be possible to delve into this aspect of the appropriate way, making it possible to work on everything that serves to lead to one's bodily acceptance same.

7. Understand media pressure

The media, be it television or social networks, have a very clear influence on our idea of ​​beauty. His influence is by no means negligible. We are constantly bombarded with images of false ideal beauty, hinting that what is not within that canon is imperfect.

Recognizing these messages that are used to sell all kinds of products is a good way to start the path of body acceptance. Understand that we cannot and should not be envious of a model with a significant percentage of plastic in her body or envy a photograph modified with Photoshop.

8. There is no body like it

We are not made from molds. Each one is as it is. There are thinner, there are fatter. There are higher and others lower. There are bald ones and there are them with hairs even in parts where it is normal not to have them.

The human body is like the personality, there are individual differences and it is what gives the world color and variety. Beauty is not in the homogeneous and monochromatic, but in the diverse. We can see this as soon as we go out on the street. There is no one who is the same.

Look at the bodies of others with an open mind and without prejudice and, thus, you will not apply them to yourself or yourself.

9. Exercise your body

Exercise is a fundamental aspect to contribute to a greater acceptance of our own body. Not only because it will make us fitter, but because it will make our brain release endorphins, which induce a state of emotional well-being.

These hormones are like a natural pill released by our body that makes us happier, and being happier directly correlates with being less critical of ourselves.

It is enough to find an exercise that we like and practice it for about 30 minutes a day, or simply walk for that period of time frequently. With just half an hour a day of moderate activity, changes in mental health are already induced.

10. Relax every day

Closely related to exercise, we have relaxation. This activity can help us feel more comfortable with our body, reducing tension and self-criticism..

Just 15 minutes a day is enough, finding a time of day in which you can do this activity with ease. Being disconnected from the world for only that period of time can be a very good way to induce a happiness that, in the long run, will make us accept ourselves as we are.

Bibliographic references:

  • Rosenberg SM, Tamimi RM, Gelber S, Ruddy KJ, Kereakoglow S, Borges VF, Come SE, Schapira L, Winer EP, Partridge AH ​​(2013). Body image in recently diagnosed young women with early breast cancer. Psychooncology. 22 (8): 1849-55.
  • Lozano-Arrazola A, Cupil-Rodríguez AL, Alvarado-Aguilar S, Granados-García M (2011). Psychological impact on the body image of head and neck cancer patients undergoing deforming surgeries. Fallow deer; 10(3):156-61.
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