Templars and Freemasons, are they the same?

Image: Vix
Are the Templars and the Masons the same? The answer is that NOT. This is one of the great questions based on occult theories that have been propagated to this day. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will try to do a detailed study in which we will see these two groups medieval that have transcended their own ends reaching our days surrounded by endless legends.
- The Templars: A Brief History
- Freemasons: brief definition
- Templars and Masons are not the same
The Templars: a brief history.
To clarify whether the Templars and the Masons are the same, we have to speak in a summarized way about these two organizations. First of all, we will talk about the Order of the Knights Templar who during the Full Middle Ages fought in the Holy Land and elsewhere in Europe to end Islamic rule.
Within these, the various crusades that were realized then, as a result of them, the lands that were conquered in the Holy Land and in the neighboring lands were under the power of said Order, lands that were governed in the form of government feudal. Likewise, many European monarchies, among which was the Castilian,
ceded parts of their lands to this order as they had great international prestige.However, the power they came to achieve made some monarchs, and even the Pope of Rome, begin to distrust this order. The knights of the order of the temple, after finishing the crusades, became great european bankers due to the large amount of land and goods that had been accumulating over time, for Therefore, it was not surprising that some monarchies borrowed money to carry out their own Business.
It was like this Felipe IV, The beautiful and Pope Clement V leaned on finish off the templars, who had loaned huge amounts of money to both of them and now had to pay it back. For this reason, in the year 1314, a bull issued by the Pope decreed the arrest of all the Templars of France, these being accused of sodomy and even heresyIn this way the congregation was dissolved and in that same year a large number of knights of the order of the temple were sentenced to die at the stake.

Image: History Magazine
Freemasons: short definition.
Continuing with our lesson on whether Templars and Freemasons are the same, we now stop to talk about Freemasons, a group that has always been covered with great legends due undoubtedly to the great secrecy that exists even today about its activities.
However, we can say that Freemasons come from the brotherhoods of builders or the well-known guilds that were in England and that from the sixteenth century allowed entry to these organizations to members who did not practice the profession, the vast majority being nobles or notable persons of the cities.
This integration of new members gave these brotherhoods great prestige, which in many cases achieved enormous commercial advantages. With the passage of time, the guilds lost their reason for being and became a kind of club for people from the upper classes of English society. In this way, they began to carry out another series of activities, totally different from those that were carried out at the beginning of time.
It is from that moment, when the story gets confusing, because due to the secrecy that exists, it is not very well known what is being done. Many authors assume that, being made up of members of the upper classes, commerce and banking are two very strong points of its economy, being the activities most carried out within these lodges.

Image: Mormosud
The Templars and the Masons are not the same.
To conclude with our lesson we will talk about the legend that exists about the creation of Freemasonry. This warns that a group of knights of the order of the temple in 1314 they managed to escape from the kingdom of France, reaching the shores of England.
It was there that they started to create another group, this time much more hermetic, so that it was difficult to find. For this reason they used the old guilds, which were in extinction and thanks to these knights and the aid they brought with them, little by little they managed to turn these brotherhoods of workers into a kind of sects.
To this day, this legend has to be banished from the imagination because, although it is known that the Knights Templar spread through various parts of Europe, such as for example Spain, ended up being executed and others managed to escape this sentence, thanks undoubtedly to influential people in society who they protected. However, It cannot be accepted that the Templars were the creators of Freemasonry Well, this was created with a lot of time involved.
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