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The 6 differences between criminology and criminology

When we talk about criminology and criminology, it is quite common to think that both words refer to the same thing or that, in essence, there are few differences between one concept and the other.

However, the way in which they relate to crimes, what they study and the investigative method behind both disciplines is very different. Next we will see what are the main differences between criminology and criminology, summarized and with some examples.

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Most important differences between criminology and criminology

It is quite common to think, outside of their respective fields, that criminology and criminology are essentially the same, or that at most one differs from the other based on nuances.

However, this idea is quite wrong, since criminology and criminology are disciplines that, although they are related to the forensic field, Its object of study, its investigative methodology, its function in the face of society and even its origins, are quite different

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. We will look at these differences in more detail below.

1. Origins and scientific classification

Although criminology and criminology are two complementary sciences, collaborating very closely in the forensic process, there are many things that differ, starting with their origins.

Criminalistics is a natural science, with a strong empirical component. So he uses a lot of the scientific method and induction. It has its origins in the ancient practice of fingerprints (study of fingerprints) and began in the 17th century with the development of forensic medicine. Later, in addition to medicine, physics, chemistry and biology would support this discipline.

Instead, criminology is a science of a social nature, basing its knowledge on the deductive method and raises postulates about the deviant behavior of individuals, understood in legal terms.

This description of human behavior is based on knowledge drawn from psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy. It has its origins in the time of great philosophers such as Plato or Aristotle, passing through Thomas Aquinas in the twelfth century, who wondered about what were the causes of a person to commit a crime.

2. Object of study

Criminalistics has as its object of study the criminal act, analyzing it with the application of natural sciences and legal sciences., collecting all physical evidence, identifying it and drawing conclusions with the support of medicine, toxicology, anthropology and other sciences.

That is, its object of study is everything that the person who has committed the crime has left and that can serve to incriminate you (e.g., traces of hair, blood stains on your clothing, type of bullet, force of slash...)

Instead, criminology aims to study the behavior patterns of the individual, their social tendencies with respect to crime and the consequences that it can cause in society. That is to say, it is in charge of studying the motive, why a crime has been committed, searching and analyzing the evidence or materials that give an indication of the evidence of a particular case.

This is why not only would the motives that lead a person to commit murder or steal be included within criminology, but also It would be within their field of study to understand what causes a person to consume drugs, which in principle only harm them, or the commit suicide.

3. In the legal aspect

Regarding the legal aspect, criminology seeks to determine who is responsible for the crime, so that he receives the corresponding verdict and corrective, repressive and punishable measures are applied based on what he has done.

That is, it does not go into why the person has behaved the way he did, but rather to provide evidence to incriminate him and hold him responsible for his actions. It serves to define the truth and establish the penalty for the criminal in question.

Instead, criminology has more to do with the non-legal aspects of the criminal processIn other words, it focuses not on the damage done or on what legal consequences the person should receive, but on the reason for what he has done and how he could have been prevented from committing a crime.

Thus, criminology acquires a preventive aspect, with the intention of reducing the delinquency by detecting signs of deviant behavior that can evolve into serious acts antisocial. It tries to enter the minds of criminals to be able to regulate behaviors that are not appropriate in the face of society.

4. Way of investigating

In criminology, the way of investigating is practical, examining the crime scene meticulously. Using specialized techniques from forensic sciences, medicine, biology and chemistry allows recreate how the events occurred, defining it based on the evidence in the victim, the room or other aspects.

Criminology, at the level of the investigative process, is rather theoretical, since it has the quality of study the behavior, causes, consequences and reactions of crime, both of those involved and of society and the government. This science is supported by the theories of psychology, especially clinical, forensic and social, along with knowledge from anthropology, with the intention of looking for possible causes and viable solutions.

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5. Question to which they answer

As we have seen so far, criminology and criminology present several differences in aspects such as their object of study and of the sciences on which they are based, with which it is expected that they will give answers to very different.

On the one hand, we have that criminology aims to answer the questions of how, when, where and who committed a criminal act, of whatever nature. Instead, criminology responds to why this crime was committed. That is, as we have already commented before, try to answer what motivation prompted the person to do what he did.

6. Related careers

Given their differences in terms of the sciences from which they draw support and the way in which they relate to the criminal process, there are many and different professions that are related to criminology and criminology.

Within criminology, the professionals who work in police departments, forensic laboratories and hospitals that we can find are:

  • Crime scene examiner
  • Forensic scientist
  • Laboratory analyst
  • Forensic psychologist
  • Criminal expert

In the case of criminology, the careers that are carried out in government agencies, courts and police services are:

  • Drug agent
  • Parole officer
  • Victim Care Specialist
  • Private investigator
  • Litigation manager
  • Intelligence agent
  • Criminologist expert
  • Family and / or criminal mediator
  • Private security
  • Investigation journalism

Bibliographic references:

  • Sierra, J.C., Jiménez, E.M. and Buela-Casal, G. (Eds.) (2006). Forensic psychology: manual of techniques and applications. Madrid: New Library.
  • Ibáñez, V. and Ávila, A. (1990). Forensic psychology and legal responsibility. In A. Garzón, Judicial Psychology. Valencia: Promolibro.
  • Urra, J. (1993). Confluence between psychology and law. In J. Urra and B. Vázquez (Comps.) Manual of Forensic Psychology. Madrid: XXI century.

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