Education, study and knowledge

Differences between imperialism and colonialism

In this new video by Unprofesor we will explain what the ddifferences between imperialism and colonialism. The imperialism it is the policy or tendency of a nation to extend its control over other states. This control will be political, social and economic. It extends its control in order to secure its power and its rules over the occupied nation.

The colonialism instead, it is a product of imperialism. In other words, whenever there is colonialism there is imperialism but not whenever there is imperialism there is colonialism. To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about what analog organs are and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

It means exploiting the resources of the conquered country for the benefit of the conqueror. Imperialism means creating an empire, expanding into neighboring regions, and expanding your rule to a great extent. Colonialism is called building and maintaining colonies in one territory by people from another territory.

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