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Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems (SAAC)

In recent decades, augmentative and alternative communication systems (SAAC) very sophisticated that are based on the use of electronic devices such as mobile phones. However, these methods have been around since the beginning of history and sometimes do not require more than facial expressions or hand gestures.

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What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

The concept "augmentative and alternative communication" is used to talk about any type of non-oral communication method that can be used to convey thoughts, needs, requests, etc. In this sense augmentative and alternative communication can replace speech or add information to it when it is insufficient.

Therefore, following this definition, augmentative and alternative communication is a very broad and varied set of techniques, and all human beings make use of it to some degree. For example, our gestures and facial expressions, the tone of voice we use when speaking or the emoticons typical of chats are examples of this type of communication.

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However, the term is generally applied almost exclusively to communication support systems designed for people who have difficulty expressing themselves through speech. Representative augmentative and alternative communication (SAAC) systems are graphic sign boards and electronic voice devices.

Among the alterations in which augmentative and alternative communication is useful and that fall within the competence of psychology, we find the autism spectrum disorders, intellectual functional diversity, the disease of Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, developmental dyspraxia and aphasias (language difficulties due to brain injuries).

Although augmentative and alternative communication systems have existed at least since Ancient Greece, when methods of this type were applied in cases of deafness, SAAC as we know them today began to develop in the 1950s, coinciding with general technological advances and increased awareness of the disability.

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Types of alternative communication systems (SAAC)

Augmentative and alternative communication systems are generally divided according to the complexity of the additional instruments they employ. Thus, we find SAACs without technology (such as sign language), low-tech, and high-tech, that is, those that depend on the use of electronic devices.

1. No technology

There are a large number of augmentative and alternative communication methods that do not require any type of instrument or additional equipment, but are based exclusively on the body itself human. Thus, these methods can include vocalizations, hand gestures, facial expressions, eye movements, etc.

Sign language can be considered an alternative communication system lacking in technology. This method, which is very useful for the communication of people with hearing difficulties and varies depending on country of origin, it has also been used successfully to study the linguistic abilities of non-native primates. humans.

2. Low tech

Augmentative and alternative low-tech communication systems (also called “assisted communication”) are those that rely on the use of non-electronic instruments. This is the case of boards with pictures, words or letters, as well as other similar instruments that are based on the substitution of oral language for specific objects.

3. Of high technology

Unlike low-tech SAACs, these types of methods use supportive electronic instruments. Most of these systems generate language artificially, either in auditory format or as text, but their complexity varies greatly, since they include simple devices with buttons and sounds but also very sophisticated instruments.

Within this type of augmentative and alternative communication systems, it is important to highlight that technological advances in recent years have favored the use of communication support applications for mobile phones, laptops and tablets. The practicality and ease of access to these methods explain their great popularity.

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Applications of SAAC in psychology

SAACs are relevant to several branches of psychological science, among which we highlight clinical, health, educational and developmental psychology. In addition to the applications that we will mention, these systems are also used in people with sensory deficits such as blindness and deafness, which were the core of its development.

Children with autism spectrum disorders can greatly benefit from communication systems augmentative and alternative to overcome their language difficulties, mainly in its facet pragmatics. The complexity of SAACs will depend on the severity of the case, although a system without technology may often be sufficient.

One of the groups of individuals in which this type of method is most frequently used are those with developmental disturbances that affect communication and language skills. Among these types of alterations we can highlight intellectual functional diversity, cerebral palsy or developmental dyspraxia, in addition to autism.

SAACs are also useful for acquired disorders. Some of them are associated with degenerative processes of genetic origin, such as Parkinson's disease, sclerosis (both multiple and amyotrophic lateral) and dementias, while others are due to factors environmental; in this sense, aphasias caused by head trauma are relevant.

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