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The best 12 Psychologists in Sant Feliu de Llobregat

The Psychologist and Coach Monica dosil She has been serving people of all ages, as well as couples and families for more than 25 years, and currently its services are offered online with all the comforts and guarantees possible.

Monica Dosil has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master in Social Gerontology, a Master in Eating Disorders, another Master in Child and Adolescent Psychology and a Coach Training Course in Results.

The center Psychotools of Psychology and Mindfulness has a team of highly qualified professionals specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, families and also couples.

The center's intervention is integrative and is based on the joint application of therapies from Neuroscience, together to Third Generation Therapies and Neurolinguistic Programming, all of them adapted to the needs of each client.

In this center you can request an online therapy service with professionals specialized in attending to cases of anxiety, depression, school difficulties, low self-esteem, emotional problems, trauma or eating disorders.

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For more than 30 years, the center Mensalus offers a Quality Psychology and Psychiatry service to people of all ages, as well as in the family environment.

Currently, the services of the center are offered online with all possible comforts and are based on the joint application of various highly effective therapies, such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, EMDR Therapy or the MIndfulness.

In the Mensalus center you will find a team of multidisciplinary professionals specialized in treating addictions of all kinds, the anxiety, depression, family conflicts, relationship problems, sexual difficulties and disorders of the old age.

Isabel Guiu she has a degree in psychology and a master's degree in child psychology from the ITEAP center, she is a specialist in mediation and conflict resolution, and has also completed a course in Coaching at the University of Barcelona.

She is an expert in the treatment of different types of disorders, among which are anxiety disorders, depression and stress, behavioral disorders, and learning disorders, such as attention deficit disorder, also known like ADHD.

Esther pichardo She has a degree from the National University of Distance Education, she has a course in clinical practice by the organization herself, and she is also a specialist in strong emotional disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Throughout her professional career, she has treated patients affected by anxiety disorders, with problems in parental relationships, and in the management of impulse control, in addition to treating different types of phobias such as the agoraphobia.

Patricia quero She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice and Psychotherapy from the Mensalus center, and has completed a co-therapy course at the ABB center specialized in the prevention and treatment of bulimia anorexy.

She is a specialist in adult psychotherapy and in sexual and couples therapy, in addition to having treated patients in grief situations, with sleep disorders such as insomnia, and with different types of phobias such as agoraphobia.

Carmen Ruiz Sanchez She has a degree in Speech Therapy from the UPC, she has a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona, ​​and she has completed a Master's Degree in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy from the College of Psychologists of Catalonia.

She is a specialist in speech therapy, neuropsychology, and cognitive behavioral therapy, having treated patients affected by different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, dyslalia, and dyslexia, as in affected patients for ADHD.

Mireia Galisteo She has a degree in Psychology and has specialized in several Master's degrees, among which the Master in She Forensic and Criminal Psychology, the Master in General Health Psychology, and the Master in Psychotherapy and Health Mental.

During her career as a psychologist, she has been able to care for patients affected by anxiety, depression and stress disorders, in situations of low self-esteem, and patients affected by eating disorders, among which bulimia and the anorexia.

Olga Perez She has a degree in Psychology and is specialized in the treatment of disorders in children and adolescents, in art therapy, and in psychology focused on the treatment of pathologies through psychotherapy.

Among the pathologies that she has treated the most, anxiety, depression and stress disorders stand out, the different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, sleep disorders such as insomnia, among other types of pathologies psychological.

Sofia Mohedano She has a degree in Psychology, and is specialized in the field of psychotherapy, personal and executive coaching, and wingwave coaching, which She represents a coach thought in the short term to overcome certain fears and blocks, at the same time that it improves the self-esteem person.

She has treated patients affected by situations of low self-esteem, by different types of fears, and by addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

Lorena Quero Montero She has a degree in Psychology and is a great specialist in the field of psychotherapy, having treated patients affected by different types of psychological pathologies and obtaining very positive.

He has also treated patients affected by social phobia, situations of low self-esteem and panic attacks, in addition to having treated patients affected by eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, among others.

Ferran burgal He has a degree in psychology, has a master's degree in emotional intelligence in the social and health field from the Ramón Llull University, and he has also completed a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology at the University center Blanquerna.

He is a specialist in the treatment of disorders related to anxiety, depression and stress, in addition to having treated disorders in adolescents and children, mainly focused on conduct disorders and situations of low self-esteem.

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