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The 7 types of sensations, and what information they capture

People are in constant contact with everything that surrounds us and the information we receive from our environment is what allows us to interact with it effectively. This information is given by the different types of sensations.

However, the sensations are not limited only to external stimuli; but there are also stimuli generated by our own body that inform us of the state in which we find ourselves. Throughout this article we will talk about the different types of sensations and the characteristics of each of them.

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The sensations in psychology

In the field of psychology, a sensation refers to the phenomenon by which our body detects a stimulus or stimulation, both internal and external. A sensation caused by an external stimulus can be, for example, feeling a caress; while an internal sensation can be a headache or feel the noises that our empty stomach emits.

This concept is always usually accompanied by the concept of perception. However, there is a fundamental difference between the two. While

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the sensation is the mere detection of the stimulus, perception consists of the organization, identification and interpretation of said sensory information, in order to interpret and understand this information from our environment.

Its phases

Within a sensory information detection process we find three different phases.

1. Physical phase

In it, the stimulus activates the corresponding sensory receptor organ.

2. Physiological phase

There is a chain reaction in our body, generating the well-known transduction process by which sensory information is converted into neuronal information and activating a series of structures of the nervous system.

3. Psychological phase

In this last phase the person is aware of the sensation, which causes a reaction or response. Here to become part of the perception process.

Usually, we are taught that people have five basic senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. However, we are capable of perceiving many more somewhat less known senses. Among them we find the kinesthetic sense and the kinesthetic sense.

Types of sensations

As we mentioned earlier, sensations can be classified into different types. In addition, these can be classified into subgroups depending on whether they respond to external or internal stimuli.

Within the group of external senses are:

  • Eyesight.
  • Sense of touch.
  • Auditory sense.
  • Olfactory sense.

On the other hand, the inner senses include:

  • Kinesthetic sense.
  • Kinesthetic sense.

1. Visual sense

The sense of sight is the one in charge of detecting those sensations created when the person observes or looks at their surroundings. Within this same sense we find two different types of visual sensations:

  • Chromatic sensations: generated by color detection.
  • Achromatic sensations: sensations generated by the degree of clarity of the environment. This ranges from white to absolute black.

Detection of the wavelength, intensity and complexity of light is made possible by visual receptors located in the retina of the eye. These receptors are known as rods and cones.

While the rods are sensitive to dim light, the cones capture the variety of colors and bright light. The sensory information obtained by these receptors is transduced into neuronal information that travels along the optic nerve.

When this sense fails for any cause and at any level, the different types of blindness appear, including the complete inability to see.

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2. Auditory sense

Also known as hearing, this sense allows us to detect the sounds that reach the internal mechanism of the auditory organ in the form of vibrations and changes in the pressure of the environment. These sensations can be different depending on the height and tone, just as it also varies depending on the timbre.

Characteristics such as the frequency, intensity, and complexity of sound waves that come to us from the external environment are detected by the auditory receptors of the ear. In this case the receptors are known as cilia or hair cell receptors.

The different movement patterns of the cilia translate into different neural codes, which ultimately lead to hearing different volume, pitch, and timbre of sounds.

In this sense, the loss of the ability to hear is known as deafness, which can also appear in different degrees and affect one or both ears.

3. Olfactory sense

The ability to perceive aromas and smells from the environment is known as the sense of smell. The appearance of any external fragrance, both pleasant and unpleasant, activates capillary receptors in the nasal passages. These receivers carry the signal to the olfactory bulb, located at the base of the brain.

The sense of smell can serve many purposes such as detecting hazards (smelling a gas leak), spoiled food, or detecting pheromones, among many others. In addition, it integrates with the sense of taste to effectively perceive the different flavors.

A person who does not have this ability or has lost it due to some type of injury is a person suffering from anosmia.

4. Sense of taste

Taste is that sensation produced by a chemical reaction that occurs when a substance is detected by taste receptor cells, located in the taste buds of the oral cavity, mainly in the language.

The taste receptors are activated by the presence of food or any other element placed on the tongue. Taste buds can detect four basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. However, the sense of taste works together with smell and stimulation of the trigeminal nerve to determine the different flavors, as well as the temperature of these.

Over the years and aging, there is a decrease in the intensity in the perception of the different flavors, while the complete impossibility of perceiving them is known as ageusia.

5. Sense of touch

The sense of touch is one whose sensations respond to changes on the surface of the body. That is, the skin of the person; which can feel any stimulus or element that touches it.

Through the sense of touch we can perceive and identify the characteristics of objects. It allows us to know if it is smooth, rough or rough. In the same way, It can also inform us of the temperature of the objects by activating thermoreceptors.

Sensory information receptor cells are connected to afferent nerve fibers. Upon detection of a tactile stimulus, the sensory receptors are activated, transporting the information to the corresponding brain centers.

6. Kinesthetic sense or proprioception

Kinesthesia, or proprioception, refers to the ability to detect the position of the muscles, as well as the ability to be aware of the position or posture of our body in relation to what surrounds us. This sense makes it possible to control the direction and range of our movements, thus allowing us to give fast and automatic motor responses.

Compared to the senses described above, kinesthesia is an interoceptive feeling, that is, it is responsible for detecting the stimuli and internal states of our body.

As a consequence, it also plays an important role in the perception and maintenance of balance, as well as in the coordination of movements. On the other hand, the dysfunctions related to this sense are those that are manifested by motor clumsiness, falls and lack of coordination.

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7. Kinesthetic sense

Finally, kinesthesia or the kinesthetic sense is one of the least known senses and is the one in charge of detecting the set of internal sensations of our body. The receptor units of this sense are those nerve endings of the membranes of the internal organs. Reports on the state of the organs and the organism as a whole. The stimuli that activate them are those of the digestive, respiratory and muscular physiology, among others.

In some areas, they refer to cenesthesia as the general sensation of the existence of our own body and the state in which it is.

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