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The 13 best books on Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice very popular today for its health benefits: improves flexibility, helps reduce stress, improves concentration, improves coordination... In other words, it guarantees a state of harmony.

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Best books on yoga

Thanks to the fact that yoga improves our well-being in many ways, there are many books that have been published with the intention of bringing both theoretical and practical knowledge of this millenary method to the readers.

But, how to decide between so many texts? In this article you will find a selection of the best books on yoga. They are as follows.

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1. Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika (B. K. S. Iyengar)

Among the many types of yoga, Iyengar yoga stands out, which emphasizes alignment, even in seated postures; the alignment of the head, spine, hips and feet are present for the correct flow of energy.

It owes its name to its founder, and is one of the most popular types of yoga today. This text is a book full of illustrations that is intended to make practice easier for readers, and provides useful instructions to know exactly what to do at any time. You can read more about this work 

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2. Yoga Anatomy (Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews)

Few yoga manuals are as complete as this work, which in its new edition has been updated and is much more complete. Contains a large number of illustrations and the information is very well organized.

It is a great book, not only useful for those who are starting but also for those who have been practicing it for years. The authors have created a very complete reference work. In the new edition, more than 300,000 copies have been sold around the globe.

  • Are you interested? Here you have more information.

3. Keys to yoga (Danilo Hernández)

Keys to yoga is a very complete manual, both theoretical and practical, in which the information is detailed and expressed in a clear and enjoyable way. The author of the book He is a great practitioner who has been trained in India. It is useful for both the advanced practitioner and for anyone who wants to get into this ancient practice.

  • To learn more about this book or purchase it, you can click here.

4. The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice (TKV Desikachar)

This book helps readers find their own essence and connect with themselves through yoga. It is a current classic, written by Desikachar considered the father of Viniyoga, a type of yoga that focuses on individual needs. A personalized way to benefit from this habit ancestral.

  • If you want to know more about this book, Click here.

5. Yoga sequences. How to Create Great Yoga Classes (Mark Stephens)

A great resource for yoga teachers, helping them create beneficial and enjoyable classes. In its pages it is possible to find 77 models of asana sequences that can be used taking into account the levels of the students. It is composed of more than 1000 photos, which facilitate the teaching of this ancient practice.

  • If you are interested and want more information about the book, here you will find it.

6. The Tree of Yoga (B. S. K. Iyengar)

Another work by BKS Iyengar that makes this list. This book is an easy text to assimilate, with easy reading and concise language. It is a book that delves into this practice and delves into the philosophy of this spiritual experience. Some questions are answered, such as, how to include yoga in everyday life. It is a good reference manual, ideal for those who are not experts and for those who are.

  • On this link you will find more information.

7. The Wisdom of Yoga (Stephen Cope)

As the name of this work indicates, practicing yoga is an extraordinary experience. That is why the car decided to create a guide so that anyone can benefit from the tradition and practice of yoga. Stephen Cope is one of the most recognized yoga experts in the West.

  • On this page you can read more about the book.

8. The Yoga. An Adventure for Children (Helen Purperhart)

Yoga is not only beneficial for adults, but it is also beneficial for children. That is why the author of this book decided to create a work, with scientific endorsement, to facilitate the work of teachers so that they could teach this healthy practice to the little ones. This book provides a creative vision of yoga, including play, dance, music, and drawing.

  • To read more information, Click here.

9. The Yoga Bible: Essential Guide to Yoga Postures (Christina Brown and Nora Steinbrun)

Although it refers to the bible, this book has nothing to do with religion. It focuses on reviewing the philosophy behind yoga, and provides the keys to understand in an easy way how to practice the different asanas, as well as the other elements that make up this ancient method.

  • For more information, you can access this page.

10. The key muscles in Hatha Yoga (Ray Long)

A great text, but suitable for yoga teachers. It deals with the anatomy and the functioning of the muscles during the practice of yoga. Hatha yoga is a type of yoga, the most practiced in the world, and also the most physical.

  • If you're interested, click here.

11. The Yoga Tradition (Georg Feuerstein)

Rather, it is a theoretical book that helps to understand yoga from its beginnings, since yoga is not only a physical practice, but also a mental one with a great tradition. This intended for individuals who want to know more about this healthy method and understand where it comes from and what its purpose is.

  • Do you want to get the book? Click here.

12. Yoga: The Spirit and the Practice of Translating to Stillness (Erich Schiffmann)

As an oriental practice, yoga is ideal for achieving inner peace, living in the present and being aware of what surrounds us and ourselves. The author of the text is Erich Schiffmann, a renowned teacher, one of the first to combine Hatha Yoga and meditation. Therefore, this book is not only about yoga, but also about mindfulness.

13. Yoga, pregnancy and birth (Janet Balaskas)

Yoga can be a very useful tool for pregnant women, as it can help them cope with both pregnancy, birth and the early stages after childbirth.

"Yoga, pregnancy and birth" is a very useful work, in which it is possible to find the most appropriate, soft and safe even the most advanced to help the pregnant woman to be in contact with her herself. In the pages of this book it is possible to find tips to be aware of your own breathing, of the body, of the mind in this great vital moment.

  • To read more about him, Click here.
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