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God of JUDAISM and its most outstanding characteristics

God of Judaism and its characteristics

The Judaism is one of the three great religions of the history of mankind, possessing a key relevance for the history of the West and serving as a basis for other very important religions such as Christianity and Islam. As one of the three religions based on monotheism only has one god, and to know him in depth in this lesson from a teacher we must talk about him. god of Judaism and its characteristics.

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  1. What are the characteristics of Judaism?
  2. How did the religion of Judaism originate?
  3. What is the name of the God of the Jews?

What are the characteristics of Judaism?

The Judaism It is the religion of the Jews and The oldest of the three great monotheistic religions of the planet, although currently it is the one with the least faithful of these three beliefs from Abraham.

Not all branches of judaism they are the same, there are many different ones between the different branches that are basically divided into the level of acceptance of the Torah and the rest of the scriptures. There are branches that are closer to the sources and others more distant, being able to divide the main branches into orthodox, reformist or conservative.

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Judaism is considered one of the most important religions in the history of mankind, since it is largely the forerunner of Christianity and IslamThese being the two great current religions and occupying, together with Judaism, the center of the monotheistic religion in Europe and much of the East for centuries. It could be said that Judaism is the key religion to understand the world today.

Most important characteristics of Judaism

To better understand Judaism we must talk to finish this section about its main characteristics, to understand what the beliefs of Judaism are based on. The main characteristics of the Jewish religion are as follows:

  • Is a monotheistic religion so it only consists of a deity who is the supreme god of religion. It is therefore one of the main monotheistic religions.
  • Your religion possesses numerous religious texts and not just one like him Christianity or Islam.
  • It consists of own rituals like any religion of this class, with elements such as circumcision at birth or the Benei Mitzvah.
  • The holy day of Judaism is Saturday known as Sabbath.
  • The leader is known as rabbi, each occupying a different synagogue.
  • The synagogue It is the main place of worship of the Jewish religion.
  • His sacred tongue is Hebrew, being used for many of his rites and ceremonies.
God of Judaism and His Characteristics - What are the Characteristics of Judaism?

How did the religion of Judaism originate?

Just as to understand Judaism we must talk about its god, we must also talk about its founder, to understand until what time Jewish beliefs date back and what were its most relevant characters until it was such an important religion.

The founder of Judaism is generally considered to be Abraham, who is also considered key to the origin of other beliefs such as Christian or Muslim. Abraham is regarded as the first hebrew of all and as one of the three great patriarchs of Judaism and, therefore, the first founder. According to Jewish tradition, he was the founding father of the pact of pieces, being an agreement that took place between God and men and on which the Jewish religion is based.

After Abraham, other known founders of Judaism are Isaac and Jacob, descendants of Abraham who are called patriarchs of Judaism like his ancestor. They are kind of parents of the people of Israel and founders of many of the Hebrew ideas.

Most texts speak of Abraham and his son as founders of the religion by their founding of the 12 tribes and by their following of God's orders. But we must also bear in mind that another possible founder of the Jewish religion that is often mentioned is Moses. Most important prophet, liberator of slaves, and founder of written law, his role as keeper of transmit religious texts It can make you the founder of Judaism.

God of Judaism and His Characteristics - How did the religion of Judaism originate?

Image: The world order

What is the name of the God of the Jews?

To end this lesson on the god of Judaism and his characteristics we must talk about him God on whom Judaism focuses, to understand its relevance and its differences with other gods similar.

The god of the Jewish religion is Yahweh or God, being a be absolute, indivisible and creative of all the universe who taught Abraham and gave the written law to Moses. This Jewish god is similar to the Christian one but with some differences, being his main features the following:

  • His real name is not usually pronounced for sacred reasons, referring to him with words such as "Name".
  • He is he creator of the universe, being omnipresent and intervenor of the world and therefore possessing all possible powers.
  • Absolute pillar of wisdom and morality, being from his word where the truth is born because he is a very communicative god.
  • exist many interpretations about the real power of God, so there are many ways to see this deity.
  • Although he is usually depicted as a male, he tries to do not give a gender determined to the Jewish god, although currently and due to gender ideologies more is being said about this issue.
  • Some sources speak of the Jewish god as someone with human form, but many others narrate that he is a being without physical or body.
  • He is a god who free his people from slavery, being a liberating deity and fighting against the oppression of his people.
God of Judaism and His Characteristics - What is the name of the God of the Jews?

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Pikaza Ibarrondo, X. (1996). Jewish God, Christian God. (Bible world).

Scholem, G., & Barbero, J. L. (1998). Judaism basics: God, creation, revelation, tradition, salvation. Trotta.

Freud, S. (2021). Moses and the monotheistic religion. Losada.

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