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What does science reveal about infidelity?

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Is everything you hear about infidelity true? Are men the most unfaithful by nature? Do unfaithful women lie better? These are difficult questions to answer, but some scientific studies have tried to unravel some of these questions.

Science and infidelity in data

The research findings are certainly revealing. For example, a research group at the University of Florida linked the narcissism with infidelity during the first stage of married life: «Sexual narcissism (which could well be defined as the self-image of the conquest and sexual capacities) positively correlates with infidelity», They affirm, having studied the case of a total of 125 marriages.

Another investigation studied the slip-ups in fishermen's marriages in Lake Victoria, Kenya. The purpose of the study was analyze the relationship between these infidelities and the spread of HIV. Several factors were found to increase the likelihood of women having relationships beyond marriage: gender-based violence, sexual dissatisfaction with the spouse, excessively large penises in an erect state, and the inability to practice sexual positions different".

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Are there "genes for infidelity"?

Other research suggests that there could be certain genes related to infidelityBecause the behavior is motivated, in part, by genetic variations linked to the reward pathways of the brain.

A Binghamton University study noted the presence of a highly variable gene that appears to be a decisive factor in modulating the tendency to infidelity of the person. As the researchers explained, natural selection chooses one or another variant of the gene according to the advantages or disadvantages offered by one or another behavior in the way of relating to sex opposite. However, they attest that sexuality, social behavior and genetics influence to a significant degree, and that the results should be viewed with prudence and only as one more indicator on which to follow doing research.

It seems that the frequency of faked orgasms It is closely linked to infidelity in women, and dissatisfaction in couples, as noted in a statistical study carried out on 140 women and 120 men. The authors of the research warned that “the signaling of orgasm was an element chosen by the selection natural in ancestral women »in contexts where fidelity was rewarded and men collaborated in the care of the suckers.

What is infidelity?

Although it may seem like an easy-to-answer question, infidelity is not perceived in the same way by women and men. At least that conclusion was reached by an investigation carried out by the University of Kansas, having evaluated a total of 475 people.

The study highlighted that men perceive infidelity as a sexual act, while women understand it as the consequence of an emotional desire. 90% of women considered that kissing another person is infidelity, but only 75% of the male participants agreed with that statement. On the other hand, 51% of men considered that sending dirty text messages was infidelity, but the percentage rose to 68% in the female opinion.

Where do infidelities take place?

Data provided by the contact manager Ashley Madison collected, among 170,000 users in the United States, that 68% of infidelities take place in the workplace.

Certain times seem to be more likely to commit adultery. Several studies suggest that Wednesday afternoons are the time of the week when there are more adventures. Scientists from Harvard University explain that routine experiences and prolonged contact with the desired person. This routine can diminish moral resistance to infidelity.

Why are we unfaithful?

Many people ask this question. A statistical investigation with more than 74,000 participants found that 45% of unfaithful women are unfaithful because they feel a strong attraction for the other person, while 32% confess to being unfaithful to feel more desired.

In men, it seems that infidelity is more closely related to sex: 48% said they were unfaithful because they wanted to have more sex, and 46% said they wanted more variety.

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