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The 4 most important GODS of BUDDHISM

Most important gods of Buddhism

Although on many occasions it is thought that buddhism is a very different religion to the usual and it is often mentioned that, for example, they do not have gods. That really is not so, but this great belief so common in Asia and with increasing adherents does have a series of gods. To know this little-known part of Buddhism in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the most important Buddhist gods.

Although generally speaking about BuddhaWe usually refer to the title used to mention someone who has reached Nirvana, we must bear in mind that it is not the only use that can be given to this word, but that Buddha can also refer to a deityTherefore, Buddha is one of the main gods of Buddhism.

It is considered that the so-called Buddhas were beings that have had a full awakening and they have fully understood the Four Noble Truths, thus being the only fully worthy beings. It is considered that the only nearby Buddha at the time was the one known as Gautama buddha, being the rest of Buddhas known as

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Maitreya or Amitabha beings that upon reaching full awakening were able to direct the pure lands that can be visited after death and that lived on Earth many centuries ago.

Both in legend and historical form we know of numerous Buddhas who have populated our world and who, through awakening, they have become something like the gods that we know in other religions, being considered in many of the sources as authentic gods.

Bodhisattva, below the Buddhas

On the other hand, and on a step below, we find the so-called Bodhisattva, being someone who either on his own initiative or by having been guided by another Buddha, begins your path to absolute awakening and towards becoming a Buddha.

You could say that they are a kind of demigods of buddhists, being halfway between being a deity like the Buddhas or just a Buddhist believer, and sometimes serving great causes such as the protection of certain Buddhist characters.

The so-called kings of wisdom are a series of protectors in Buddhist beliefs, generally possessing a tough and aggressive aspect as in charge of defeating the negative forces that are so dangerous in a belief like Buddhism; therefore, they are worshiped as gods.

In general it is thought that the kings of wisdom can be a kind of Buddhas, but in a more crazy and aggressive way to defeat evil forces. Although in other sources they speak of them as Bodhisattva or with even lesser positions. The 5 kings of wisdom that were brought by Indian culture to Japanese in the 9th century are the following:

  • Acala: One of the gods of Buddhism who is in charge of fighting evil in hell itself with his fiery sword and his rope.
  • Daiitoku: A god with six faces, six arms and six legs who, situated in the west, rides on a cow and fights against all evil.
  • Gundari: The dispenser of the nectar of the gods, being located in the south, wields weapons in each of the eight arms of him.
  • Enjoy: Located in the east he is known to be an enemy of anger and to fight with his eight arms.
  • Kongo-Yasha: Located to the north he is known for representing strength and fighting with four arms.
Most Important Gods of Buddhism - Kings of Wisdom

To finish this lesson on the most important gods of Buddhism, we must talk about the so-called protector gods, being those powerful beings capable of defend Buddhism and its practitioners de external problems or obstacles.

The 8 protective gods or dharmapala are those deities who must wage war without mercy against evil and demons, being beings close to the level of the Buddha and whose abilities are based on protecting the believers from the buddhism. The eight members that make up the dharmapala are as follows:

  • Yama: The one in charge of reigning over the hells of Buddhism and therefore the one who judges the dead. Its relevance has crossed the border of Buddhism reaching other mythologies such as the Japanese.
  • Brahma: Coming from the Hindu religion, this god is known as one of the most benevolent. He is a god with many theories about him, since depending on the texts it is said that there could be more than one Brahma or that at the origin of him he was the teacher of the first great Buddha.
  • Mahakala: At the same time a protective airy force and a god of meditation. Their role is said to be to fight in hell itself against the forces of evil, leading people from darkness to light.
  • Begtse: God protector and lord of war who is thought to have come from Mongolian beliefs.
  • Yamantaka: The destroying god of death, who is also thought to be of Mongol origin. It is thought that he was the rival of the murderous forces.
  • Vaisravana: One of the Four Heavenly Parents, he is often regarded as the protector of the north.
  • Hayagriva: The role of him as god of protection focuses on the aspect of healers, since it is said that he is capable of curing any disease and even leprosy.
  • Palden Lhamo: He is considered as the supreme god of Tibet, being he the one who protects the sages and wisdom itself.
Most important gods of Buddhism - The 8 protectors or dharmapala
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