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The best 12 Psychologists in San Fernando (Cádiz)

The psychotherapy center Advance Psychologists It is made up of multidisciplinary professionals who are experts in different areas of therapeutic intervention whose services are offered in face-to-face or remote sessions.

With more than 20 years of experience, the Avance Psicólogos center stands out as one of the most prestigious in the entire country, and the therapists who work in it They are specialized in applying therapies of proven efficacy such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Humanistic Therapy or Third Party Therapies Generation.

Among the multitude of problems that are addressed in Avance Psicólogos, family or couple problems stand out, behavior disorders, learning difficulties, sexual disorders, grieving processes, anxiety and depression.

The online therapy center Psychology 360 It is one of the most recommended options when starting a distance psychotherapy process with all possible comforts, in total safety and at a very affordable price.

The center's team of professionals is made up of highly qualified Clinical Psychologists and specialized in applying only therapies of proven efficacy adapted to the needs of people from All ages.

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In addition to that, the center's professionals have been treating problems of anxiety and depression, addictions, sexual difficulties or dysfunctions, low self-esteem, eating disorders and family or relationship problems partner.

The psychologist Jose Carlos Sanchez He has more than 20 years of professional experience and is a specialist in integrating various therapies of proven efficacy such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness or Family Therapy and Partner.

His intervention is aimed at adolescents, adults, families and also couples who may have anxiety problems or stress, anger management deficits, divorce cases, relationship problems or disorders of the obsessive compulsive.

This professional offers his services online with all possible comforts for the client.

Juan Sánchez Lebrero She has a degree in Psychology from UNED and has two Master's degrees focused on Forensic Psychology and Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. In addition, this professional has a Postgraduate Degree in Sexual and Couple Growth from the Gomá Institute.

This mental health professional, she is a specialist in the treatment of anxiety disorders, sexual disorders and as a couple, and also treating psychological disorders that young people such as children and teenagers. The illnesses that she has treated the most throughout her career have been addictions and stress, among others.

Paz Mora Vinuesa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, she has a Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention (Psychosociology and Ergonomics) from the Complutense University of Madrid, and she is also a Health Psychologist from the Board of Andalusia.

This professional is a great specialist in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression and also conducting couples therapy. During his professional career, he has treated a large number of cases related to emotional dependence, psychosomatic disorders and social isolation.

Francisco Isaac Quirós she has a degree in psychology and also has a master's degree in clinical psychology focused on the treatment of children and adolescents. In turn, he is a specialist in Clinical Neuropsychology.

This psychologist stands out for applying cognitive behavioral therapies, especially conducting psychotherapy to adolescents who have suffered from personality disorder, conduct disorder or problems related to hyperactivity and attention deficit (ADHD).

Immaculate Fernandez she has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education. She is specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression and also in couples therapy.

In addition, throughout her professional career, this psychologist has also treated multiple cases related to stress disorders, phobias such as agoraphobia, and grief situations.

Mar Muñoz She has a degree in Psychology and stands out for being a psychologist specializing in the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders applying therapies based on cognitive behavioral psychology.

This professional has extensive experience treating cognitive disorders, conduct disorders, and phobias such as agoraphobia and social phobia.

Yolanda Palacios she has a degree in Psychology with a long career in Clinical Psychology. She also has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and she is also an expert in emergency psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder and grief. She is part of the AZIRA Psychological Center.

Her main specialty is psychological intervention, especially conducting psychotherapy for adults and applying cognitive-behavioral methodology. She is an expert in treating illnesses such as insomnia and anxiety disorder.

Antonio Guerrero Delgado placeholder image She is a Psychologist specializing in the treatment of disorders related to anxiety and depression. This professional is part of the AZIRA Center for Psychology and Psychiatry.

Among the diseases that she has treated the most throughout her professional career, the cases of adjustment disorders and stress disorders stand out.

Maria Angeles Chamorro Jimenez she has a degree in Psychology from the University of Jaén and a Master's Degree in Psychopathology and Health from the UNED. In addition, she is an expert in crises, emergencies and catastrophes by the INEFOC.

This professional is a great connoisseur of clinical psychology and neuropsychology, carrying out treatments for solve different types of disorders that affect children and adolescents such as anxiety disorder, phobias or low self-esteem.

Susana alias She is a Graduate in Psychology from the UNED, with a major in Health Psychology and Intervention in Mental and Behavioral Disorders. In addition, this psychologist also has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the University of Valencia.

It should be noted that Susana stands out for being a professional focused on adult psychotherapy, being she a great expert in cognitive behavioral therapies and EMDR. The diseases that she has treated the most are related to anxiety disorders and low self-esteem

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