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The 13 best Psychological Experts in Madrid

The psychologist Fernando Azor He has to his credit an experience of more than 20 years in which he has specialized in Expertise and Social Rehabilitation, as well as in Psychopharmacology. Currently he directs and coordinates the center Azor & Asociados, where it offers psychological care aimed at children, adolescents and adults for any type of problem, whether emotional, social or behavioral. In his clinic, he applies a cognitive-behavioral therapy, based on integrating an alternative vision of reality in the person and offered both in person and online.

His work is characterized by a constant methodology and proven efficiency, where each session is about 50 minutes long, the first session being aimed at getting to know the person and gathering information about her. From the second session, the consultant is informed about what the intervention process will be and they begin to entrust tasks to perform at home during the week.

Thus, some of his main intervention specialties are cases of depression and anxiety, chronic illnesses, self-esteem problems and deficits in control of the wrath.

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The psychologist Margalida serra She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​she has a Master's degree in Psychology Adult Clinic, a Master in Child and Family Psychology and a Postgraduate in Legal Psychology.

Throughout more than 10 years of professional experience, this therapist has specialized in caring for adults of all ages. ages that may present cases of gender violence, divorce proceedings, family conflicts, stress or low self-esteem.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in conducting expert psychological reports of all kinds, whose services are offered online with all possible comforts.

CEPSIM is a psychological center in the city of Madrid that specializes in psychological counseling for the judicial area. Thanks to this, patients can find a clinic that groups the main methods and procedures to manage situations in the judicial environment.

In this center you will find a team of highly qualified professionals who cover various fields of action: legal area, criminal area, labor area and civil area.

The Clinical Psychologist Nuria Cordero Gomez She is another of the most outstanding and recommended Psychological Experts in the city of Madrid and her services are offered both in person in her office and by video call.

Graduated in Clinical and Health Psychology, this professional is a specialist in Forensic Psychology and She has several years of experience attending cases of Gender Violence and also Violence Intrafamily.

In addition to that, other of her intervention specialties are cases of divorce or infidelity, behavior problems, depression, anxiety and problems in anger management.

Forensic Psychologist and Psychotherapist Maria Alvarez It serves people of all ages in its Madrid practice, by offering face-to-face or remote sessions.

Graduated in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, she is professional is a Specialist in Legal Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Adults.

Her intervention integrates different therapies, among which EMDR Therapy stands out, which she applies in an integrated way and with the aim of attending to the depression, anxiety and impulsivity problems, family and relationship conflicts, cases of sexual abuse and problems with behaviour.

Ruben Suarez She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, specifically in the field of clinical psychology. She has also completed a Master's Degree in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid.

In addition, in his private practice he carries out treatments based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, mainly in the area of her family and couples therapy, adolescent psychology and adult psychotherapy, obtaining excellent results in their patients.

Victoria Trabazo She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, she is a Specialist in Clinical Psychology from the Ministry of Education and has a Master's Degree in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid.

She specializes in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy, in the treatment of anxiety disorders, and in couples therapy. Among the disorders that he has treated the most, stand out phobias, anxiety disorders and addiction to different types of substances.

Miguel Casas He is one of the main managers of the Madrid Institute of Forensic Psychology, which has 20 years of experience in the field of clinical psychology. This psychologist is a great specialist in Clinical Psychology, has a Master's Degree in Behavioral Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has worked as a manager in several centers.

Among the centers in which he has worked, the Quirón Hospital stands out, in which he served as Head of the Section of Clinical Psychology, or the Spanish Society for Anxiety and Stress (SEAS), of which he is member.

Sergio Carmona He is one of the main managers of the Madrid Institute of Psychology, in addition to being a recognized psychologist specializing in Clinical Psychology. This professional also has a Master's Degree in Behavioral Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​and another Master's Degree in Cognitive Therapy from the University of Barcelona.

He has been part of the department of psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine at Hospital Quirón, and has been part of the teaching team of the Higher Institute of Psychological Studies and of the Spanish Society of Clinical Psychology and the SCRITC.

Hector Galvan He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Salamanca and a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from the CINTECO Center. He has worked at the Behavioral Therapy Research Center in Madrid, and is an expert in the area of ​​cognitive behavioral therapy.

He has made presentations at different clinical psychology conferences and has been part of the teaching team of several centers as a specialist in the field of stress management. This psychologist represents one of the most recognized specialists in the city of Madrid.

Daniel Moreno He has a degree in Psychology from the San Pablo CEU University, he has a Master's degree in Clinical and Psychology He received health from the Complutense University of Madrid, and is an expert in the field of psychotherapy in children and teenagers.

He is also a specialist in sexual and couples therapies at the COP center, being an excellent specialist in emergencies, rescues and catastrophes. He is one of the leading psychologists in expert psychology thanks to his academic and professional career.

Paula gonzalez She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology. She is specialized in judicial expert psychology, and she is a leading psychologist in this field.

In addition, she is an expert in neuropsychological disorders, thanks to the Postgraduate in Neuropsychology. He is also a specialist in psychological first aid and intervention in family violence, having treated patients affected by different types of personal situations.

Patricia Cheap She has a degree in Psychology, a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, and is specialist in sexual and couples therapy, in addition to having treated people affected by behavioral disorders food.

Among the main disorders that she has treated, bulimia, anorexia, and addiction to substances such as alcohol and tobacco, in addition to having treated people with other addictions such as gambling.

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