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The 5 benefits of teamwork

In a organization, it is important that employees work as a team. Each employee must contribute their grain of sand so that teamwork allows the best results.

When working in a team effectively, synergy appears, that is, the union of constructive energies. This causes the efforts made by the members to be strengthened, reducing the time of action and increasing the efficiency in the results.

Teamwork and its many advantages

Good teamwork is achieved with a good communication, coordination, complementarity (the balance between the tasks of each individual), trust and commitment, which is known as the 5 "C".

Today, when making a job interview, this competence (teamwork) is one of the most valued by recruiters in the processes of staff pick, since it brings many benefits to the company. Here are some benefits of teamwork, which can be applied both at the company level, as in sports teams, as even in educational contexts in which several people are involved in projects common.

1. Promotes creativity and learning

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The creativity it increases when people work together as a team. The brainstormingavoid self-centered views and allows you to expand creativity thanks to the points of view of others.

Combining the different points of view of team members helps create more effective solutions to problems. In addition, working in a team helps to share knowledge and stimulates individual and group learning.

2. Mix complementary strengths

Teamwork allows talents of each individual on the team complement each other to create a final product that could not have been achieved individually.

As in a musical group, where someone can stand out for having a good voice, another for playing the guitar very well, and another for being very good with the drums; In a work team, someone can stand out for being a good programmer, another for being a good graphic designer and another for knowing a lot about the textile business. The union of the three can give new business possibilities that would not be possible if they wanted to undertake alone.

3. Reduce stress

Individual work increases workload and responsibilities and this can lead to increased stress. Since teamwork allows both tasks and responsibilities to be shared, the stress decreases.

4. Improve performance

Since teamwork allows individuals to focus on what they do best, they don't have to worry about jobs or tasks they don't master. This helps to produce better quality work, since increases productivity.

5. Increase efficiency and productivity

Each individual focuses on her specialty, and collaboration allows each to maximize her potential in the task he masters. Before achieving results, working as a team needs a period in which the relationships. Groups that keep going increase efficiency and productivity.

Tips for good teamwork

If a company wants teamwork to bring the benefits mentioned above, it is necessary that the employees work as a whole. For good teamwork, you must:

  • Build trust
  • Set common goals
  • Create a sense of belonging
  • Involve people in decision-making
  • Seek understanding between parties
  • Boost communication
  • Take advantage of diversity
  • Celebrate group successes
  • Promote mutual commitment and shared responsibility

If your company has talents in different facets and you put them to work each one separately, you will not be able to create the necessary synergies. Therefore, give team strength a chance over individualism and you will notice how the dynamics improves.

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