Education, study and knowledge

The 8 best Couples Therapy Clinics in Vélez-Málaga

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Rodolfo de Porras de Abreu is a renowned psychologist with a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga who has a long experience in the both personal and professional coaching, in addition to using a very effective methodology to treat disorders psychological. This professional performs cognitive behavioral therapy in addition to psychoanalytic therapy.

He directs the most important Cabinet of psychologists in Malaga (PsychoAbreu), a center with a recognized track record in the field of mental health and with more than 24 years of experience treating different types of disorders thanks to its multidisciplinary team.

Throughout Rodolfo's professional career, the disorders in which he has specialized most are: anxiety, stress and depression disorders, in addition to those problems related to the relationship and character sexual.

Maria Isabel del Rio she is a psychologist at the center PsychoAbreu and she stands out for having a degree in Psychology and for being a specialist in the treatment of disorders related to anxiety, depression and relationship problems.

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This professional is specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders and in relationship problems and sexual dissatisfaction. In addition, she is a very experienced psychologist in solving problems related to social isolation.

Juan Jose Perez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga, with a Master's degree in Health Psychology from the same organization and has worked as a General Health Psychologist in the Department of Health of the Board of Andalusia.

As a psychologist specializing in psychological intervention, he has carried out a long list of treatments related to stress, anxiety, and relationship problems, obtaining very good results in their patients.

Eva Portillo Calabuig She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga as well as a Master's degree in Sexology and Couples Therapy from the Institute of the Couple of Murcia. His academic and professional career make her a specialist in the field of couples therapy.

This professional is an expert in sexology, couples therapy and psychotherapy for adults. In addition, she has treated numerous problems related to sexual dysfunction and inhibited sexual desire.

Maria of the Haro Sponsorship She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Malaga and is part of the psychological center PsychoAbreu. She has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology and is an expert in Dynamic Psychotherapy and in treatments focused on people in childhood, adolescence or adult stages.

She has extensive experience in performing both individual and couple therapy, with great effectiveness in treating problems related to sexual dissatisfaction.

Noelia Zayas she has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and is specialized in Clinical Psychology.

As a professional in the area of ​​mental health, she has treated numerous cases of conduct disorders, especially in young people and adolescents. In addition, she has also treated patients with cognitive disorders with proven methods.

Maria Pilar Bazaga She has a degree in Psychology and has a career of more than 20 years as a psychologist. She is a specialist in the treatment of psychological disorders applying cognitive behavioral therapy.

This professional she is specialized in couples therapy, in Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Javier González Torquemada is a mental health professional with a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and with extensive experience in personal, sports and professional Coaching.

He is a specialist in the treatment of relationship problems, performing family therapy, family re-education, mediation and cognitive restructuring. Her relaxation techniques have a great impact on patients with accentuated stress pictures, allowing them to improve their quality of life.

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