Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Coaches in Moratalaz (Madrid)

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Carolina Plato She has a degree in Psychology from the British University, she has a Master's degree in Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy, and has completed a course in organizational coaching and NLP by AECOP and EMCC.

She is a specialist in personal and sports coaching, and throughout her professional career she has been able to attend patients affected by other types of pathologies, such as anxiety, stress and depression disorders, among other

Beatriz Gomez she has a degree in psychology and is specialized in personal motivation and personal coaching and she is a professional, being a specialist in clinical psychology, adolescent psychotherapy, and psychology general sanitary.

In addition, she has treated patients with other types of psychological pathologies, among which the situations low self-esteem, sleep disorders such as insomnia, and different types of phobias such as agoraphobia.

Rachel Martin She has a degree in Psychology and is specialized in the field of personal coaching, being she a great expert in Moratalaz. She has also treated patients with sexual and dating disorders, and has performed adolescent psychotherapy.

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Among the pathologies that she has treated the most throughout her professional career, alcohol addictions stand out. and tobacco, social phobia, and different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, among other psychological problems.

Isabel Mercado She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has completed an Erasmus program at the University of Rome, and she has also completed a Master's degree in clinical and health psychology from the UCM.

She is an expert in personal and professional coaching, having improved the well-being of many people, and she having treated other types of patients affected by schizophrenia, dementia and disorders of the conduct.

Ana Rosón She has a degree in Psychology, with a specialty in Clinical Psychology, and she also has the title of Doctor in Psychology, having made an excellent academic and professional career.

She is specialized in personal and professional coaching, in addition to having treated patients with disorders of the eating behavior such as bulimia and anorexia, and other patients grieving over the loss of a to be loved.

Jose Martin Gil He has a degree in Psychology and is specialized in coaching, having improved the motivation of many people so that they can achieve their objectives and goals without hindrance.

She is also a great expert in treating anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and in the disorders in children and adolescents, having treated patients with addictive disorders to different types of substances.

Natalia Torrecilla She has a degree in Psychology and is recognized for being specialized in the field of coaching, offering the tools and adequate psychological preparation to break all those psychological barriers that limit us in the day to day.

She is also specialized in general health psychology and neuropsychology, having treated problems with poor fluency in language, and senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type, also known as DSTA.

Luz Maria Garcia She has a degree in Psychology and is specialized in the area of ​​personal and professional coaching, in clinical psychology, and in psychosomatic disorders, being she a great expert in these areas.

Throughout his professional career he has treated patients affected by panic attacks, depression chronic, and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, among others pathologies.

Ana Lia Wins She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Tucumán, has a course in psychoanalysis, and is specialized in clinical psychology, being an excellent expert in the area of ​​coaching.

He is an expert in adult psychotherapy, clinical psychology and psychoanalysis, having he treated people with hysterical neurosis, eating disorders, and stuttering in children.

Sergio Timon He has a degree in Psychology from the Deusto University of Bilbao, has a Master's degree in psychotherapy for a limited time, and is an expert in the field of personal and sports coaching.

He specializes in emotional release techniques, integrative humanistic psychotherapy, and EMDR therapy, having treated patients affected by situations of low self-esteem, and by different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, achieving excellent results during all these years.

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