Education, study and knowledge

Sandra García Sánchez-Beato

My name is Sandra, I am a General Health Psychologist with a Humanist orientation. Director of Adhara Psychology. Tutor of the psychology practicum at UNED and URJC. I am passionate about my work, especially accompanying and helping people determined to be happier, to abandon their suffering and unfold their full potential. If you are in that moment, I can accompany you on your way. Help you review your sources of conflict and investigate your own mind. Go discovering and releasing the tendencies that catch you over and over again and do not allow you to be happy. Transform them into kinder and positive trends, which will help you progressively unfold your full potential. A therapy process is an opportunity for change and the fruit is your well-being and the well-being of those around you.

My orientation is Integrative and Existential Humanist (Gestalt, Psychoanalysis, Mindfulness, Bioenergetics, Cognitive-Behavioral) and I work from a holistic vision of the human being. I use artistic and creative expression with drawings and projective dynamics to deepen the processes. I am trained in Brainspotting, a brain reprocessing technique for traumatic experiences. Expert in mindfulness.

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I have been meditating for over twenty years (Tibetan Buddhist meditation) and leading meditation groups for ten. I have integrated this experience into my therapeutic approach. This helps patients go much deeper into their process and integrate mindfulness and meditation resources for a fuller and more conscious life. It helps me to accompany from Mindfulness and a more conscious presence. My degree in Fine Arts allows me to integrate artistic expression (clay, drawings, narrative, ...) in the sessions to work on the emotional world of patients.

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