Education, study and knowledge

The 6 best Psychopedagogy Centers in Sabadell

Center Giner has a large multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in psychology, psychopedagogy and speech therapy, all of whom are highly qualified and experienced.

The first step in the field of psychopedagogy that Center Giner professionals put into practice is an exhaustive diagnosis of the difficulties that the student may have and in which their cognitive abilities are assessed to carry out a personalized intervention plan and specific.

In addition to that, the main specialties of the center are cases of dyslexia, ADHD, dyscalculia, difficulties in acquiring reading, and deficits in reading skills. study.

Comprehensive Care Center is specialized in offering psychology, psychopedagogy, speech therapy and early care services, among other services and has a team of 7 multidisciplinary professionals qualified and trained to solve any demand that people from all walks of life may have. ages.

In the field of psychopedagogy, the center's professionals are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of children and adolescents who present problems in the field of learning, all through an individualized intervention and in permanent contact with the parents and the school of the student.

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Some of the pathologies that are successfully treated at the center are dyslexia, reading difficulties, dyscalculia, autism spectrum disorders and developmental delay.

Center Psicopedagògic Can Llong is a multidisciplinary therapy space made up of professionals from psychology, speech therapy, psychopedagogy and education, all of them with extensive experience in the intervention in all types of disorders belonging to their fields of job.

The center serves children and adolescents with school difficulties of all kinds in small groups to promote the individualization of each case and in perfectly equipped facilities. Thus, the main areas that the center's professionals address are language problems, reading disorders and ADHD, among many others.

The Center for Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry PsychoSabadell also offers a psychopedagogy service by the hand of a professional widely experienced in addressing all kinds of problems that both children and adolescents may have in the field of learning and education.

Thus, the main areas of intervention of the center in the field of psychopedagogy are the orientation in study techniques and school reinforcement, the development of study skills and personal growth, the improvement of skills such as attention or memory and intervention in students with special educational needs.

All this with permanent contact and collaboration with the work centers of the child or adolescent and also with her family.

The center Sisè Sentit de Sabadell has a team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the field of psychopedagogy and psychology that have developed a novel intervention method for children with reading and writing problems called "Toc Digital".

This methodology of the center is based on an application in the form of a game with which the child can work on your literacy problems and gradually improve yourself while having fun learning.

In addition to that, the Sisè Sentit center also offers advice, evaluation and diagnosis in other learning disorders such as ADHD and an English reinforcement for children with classes adapted to their needs.

Psychocentre Salusment It is one of the best options for anyone who wants to request a psychopedagogy service from qualified and experienced professionals. Besides that, the center also offers a psychological care service, emotional coaching and personal development workshops.

Thus, in the field of psychopedagogy, the center is specialized in the diagnosis and intervention in cases of disorders of the learning problems such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, reading comprehension problems, and memory, attention, or concentration.

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