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The 10 best Clinics to treat Addictions in Hospitalet de Llobregat

The Clinic Appointment, is another of the centers of reference in the treatment of addictions in our country and its services are offered both in an outpatient mode and in the detox clinic of the center, which has all the benefits and comforts for the client and is located in a natural environment located 30 km from Barcelona.

The center has a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in psychology, psychiatry and medicine, whose services are based on the application of therapies of proven efficacy such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Third Generation Therapies, both in face-to-face sessions and by video call.

Clinicas Cita has a high percentage of satisfied and successful clients in their professional interventions, the main ones being specialties of the center, addiction to cocaine, alcohol, heroin, cannabis, smoking, gambling or addiction to new technologies.

The Center for Psychology and Addictions Orbium Barcelona has an experience of more than 25 years treating addictions of all kinds in adults of any age and both individually and in groups, as a couple or in the family environment.

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The center's interventions are carried out from a humanistic or client-centered approach and are based on the comprehensive application of highly effective therapies such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy or Mindfulness.

Some of the main specialties of the Orbium Barcelona center are addiction to alcohol or drugs, gambling, sex addiction, internet addiction, codependency and also cases of depression, anxiety or low self-esteem.

The center's services are personalized at all times and are offered in face-to-face or online sessions.

The center Alter Psychology & Health It is one of the most prestigious and recommended in the treatment of addictions and detoxification processes in people of all ages, both in face-to-face sessions and online.

The team of professionals at this center has been providing the best tools for more than 10 years. each person cared for so that they can overcome their addiction problems or other disorders of any kind.

All the therapies applied at the Alter Psychology center have a high level of scientific evidence, and the main areas drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, substance abuse and diagnosis dual.

The Gena Therapeutic Center It also treats all kinds of addictions in adults and adolescents, applying a gender perspective for each case, that is, using specific methodologies and techniques that aim to address the differential gender aspects in the disorders addictive.

All the professionals at the center have a high level of qualification and are specialized in attending to the cases of alcoholism, sex addiction, internet or video game addiction and substance abuse of any kind.

The center's intervention also integrates various therapies of proven scientific efficacy and some others of her specialties are anxiety disorders, cases of sexual abuse, low self-esteem and self harm.

The center Lluveras Psychology is directed by the prestigious Health Psychologist Pilar Lluverasshe, a specialist in addressing addictive disorders in adults, adolescents, families and also couples, both in person and remotely.

This professional applies the Lluveras Method to all her clients, a modality of her own intervention based on the integration of Clinical Hypnosis, EMDR Therapy and the Emotional Freedom Technique o EFT.

This innovative method aims to enhance the internal resources of the person cared for to deal with their addictions or any other type of problem.

The psychologist Ana Sierra Delgado He is a specialist in Emotional Freedom Techniques, Coaching, Mindfulness, NLP and Clinical Hypnosis, therapies with the which cares for a wide variety of addictive disorders in adults and couples, both online and face-to-face.

Among his intervention specialties, shopping addiction, mobile addiction and to new technologies, emotional dependence and also jealousy, stress, anxiety or depression.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​this professional has a Licensed Master's Degree NLP & Coach by the Richard Bandler NLP Society and has another Master in Human Resources Management and Direction by Targo You study.

The General Health Psychologist Robert Cotonat Grace graduated in Psychology from the University of Lleida, has a Master in Third Party Therapies Generation and Application of New Technologies and is a specialist in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness.

His services are offered in face-to-face or telematic sessions, in which he addresses dependence on new technologies, emotional dependence and also sexual dysfunctions, low self-esteem, relationship problems and depression.

Robert Cotonat's intervention is integrative in nature and is aimed at adolescents, adults and also couples.

The psychologist Savino Musicco She has a degree in Psychology from the Università degli Studi di Urbino, she has a Master's degree in Social Cognitive Therapy from the University of Barcelona and is a specialist in Brief Strategic Therapy.

Among her intervention specialties, addiction to cocaine, alcohol, MDMA, tobacco and drug abuse can be highlighted. drugs in general, as well as sex addiction, kleptomania, eating disorders and dependence on new technologies.

Her services are offered to adolescents, adults and also couples, both in person and online.

The Health Psychologist Laura Miró Galán She has an experience of more than 15 years and is a specialist in serving people of any age who can present addiction to new technologies, shopping, video games, pornography, drugs or tobacco.

This professional graduated in Psychology from the UAB, she has a Master's Degree in Cognitive-Social Therapy from the UB and a Postgraduate Degree in Brief Strategic Therapy from the IESP.

The Health Psychologist Marta Tena Miranda He has a Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychoanalysis, has an Official Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy and masters both EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness.

Her intervention is aimed at people of all ages, and her specialties are addictions, anxiety disorders, depression and eating disorders.

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