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The 6 best Couples Therapy Centers in Getafe

See Awakenings is one of the most important specialized entities in psychological therapy in the Community of Madrid, and has a physical presence in the main cities of this area, including the capital. In Getafe, its center is located at Calle Madrid nº 65.

The team of psychologists who work at Consulta Despertares is trained in different areas of relational and affective problems, and offers couples therapy services with all guarantee. In this way you can help in cases of marital crisis, jealousy, lack of confidence due to past infidelities, boredom, lack of communication, poor management of coexistence, etc.

The psychologist Maria Martin has specialized in serving adults individually and also couples who request its services, all offering a 100% online psychotherapy service.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, integrated together with other therapies of proven efficacy with which she attends the self-esteem problems, alcoholism and substance abuse, sex addiction, codependency, and internet and drug addiction video game.

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María Martín has a degree in Psychology from UNED, she has a Master's degree in General Health Psychology from UNIR, a Master in People Management and Management from the UEMC and a Training Course on Personal Development and Intelligence Emotional.

As her name suggests, the Psychological and Sexological Cabinet it focuses on sexuality and everything related to the way of living an intimate life, something that for most of the population is closely linked to couple relationships.

And, of course, great importance is also attached to couples therapy, an area of ​​intervention in which from this center She works to solve the causes that produce the bad relationship (evidently, through the involvement of the patients).

In Calle Bohime we find the center Serendipity Psychology, made up of a team of four psychologists specialized in different fields of psychological well-being.

Here we work to help couples respond appropriately to challenges such as emotional distancing, codependency relationships, and trust crises produced by episodes of infidelity, stagnation and monotony, lack of expression of affection, problems of sexual compatibility, inability to have quality time alone, etc.

Getafe Psychology Center, located on Calle Pizarro, is also a good idea for those looking for couples therapy services in this city.

Directed by the psychologist Fernando Gil Torres, a professional with more than 20 years of training and experience in the field of Psychology, here you can find help on topics such as the regulation of emotions, the establishment of good communication styles, the search for agreements and consensus in discussions, the overcoming of sexual problems, etc.

Indeed, a psychology center directed by the psychologist Maribel González Trenado, is also one of the most recommended couples therapy options in Getafe.

Based on her extensive professional career helping patients with all kinds of problems, González Trenado can adapt to the specific needs of each case: jealousy, conflicts with the family, fatigue from raising children, attempts to overcome a infidelity, jealousy... In many cases, no matter how distressing the initial situation may seem, there ends up being a resolution satisfactory.

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