Education, study and knowledge

The best 8 Psychologists in Puerto Banús (Marbella)

Rodolfo de Porras de Abreu is a registered psychologist and manager of the Group Psychologists Málaga PsicoAbreu. One fact that we should all know about this specialist is that he offers his patients the interesting possibility of being able to perform therapy with him via online, a very useful and comfortable way of proceeding that nowadays more and more people decide to put it in practice.

In his consultation, this specialist very often treats certain disorders such as anxiety, impulsivity, depression or the well-known disorders of feeding difficulties for which, over time, this psychologist has been able to develop his own personal methodology to treat them.

Tereza Lindberg She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and has a specialized Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, which she also obtained through this same university. The most interesting skill that this psychologist undoubtedly possesses is the ability to perform therapy using both English and Swedish as well as vehicular languages, a very specific characteristic that we will rarely find in another psychology professional residing in this zone.

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With the help of this experienced psychologist, we can obtain all the tools we need to be able to effectively address certain difficulties such as codependency, depression, low self-esteem or the always so unwanted stress.

The Psychologist and Psychoanalyst Genoveva Navarro She has more than 15 years of experience working in her private practice and serving children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and couples.

Her services are offered online and are based on an applied psychoanalytic approach of individualized and personalized way, taking into account at all times the needs of each client.

Among her intervention specialties, eating disorders, relationship problems, anxiety, learning problems and personality disorders can be highlighted.

Maria Elena Ruiz Espinosa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and has a Master's degree focused on the use of Clinical Psychology awarded by the well-known Spanish Association of Cognitive Clinical Psychology Behavioral. Although this specialist tends to treat people of all ages very often, it is worth mentioning that it is in the treatment of the little ones where she undoubtedly has the greatest ability.

Counting on her help and moral support we can obtain great benefits in the case of suffering from certain difficulties such as anxiety, low self-esteem, phobias or possible depression.

Isabel gallardo She graduated in Psychology through the University of Granada and as time passed, she decided that she should specifically specialize in the interesting practice of early care. This specialist treats people of all ages every day in her office and she often performs therapy for women who have unfortunately been victims of gender violence.

Among the difficulties most dealt with by this psychologist, some are usually found, unfortunately some well known as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or attention deficit disorder (ADHD).

Ana Maria Moreno Mayén She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and also has a Master's degree focused on the analysis of applied behavior in Developmental Disorders.

As possible patients we should know that this psychologist is an expert in the treatment of certain difficulties including anxiety, depression and the increasingly common phobia Social.

Juan Manuel Antunez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Malaga and also has a specialized Master in General Health Psychology which she also studied through this same university.

Among the specialties of this psychologist is the treatment of certain psychological disorders currently as common as the well-known addictions, phobias, anxiety or heartbreak.

Layla Acosta Babtain She is an expert psychologist in the practice of clinical hypnosis and in the use of what are known as third generation therapies.

This psychologist can be of great help in the event that we may suffer from a possible anxiety disorder, depression, very high levels of stress or a clear drug dependence.

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