Certified psychologist, writer and life coachverified professional Hi how are things? My name is ...
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Like any science, the study of history must follow specific phases, which will guarantee a correc...
Unexpected error has ocurred. Please try again or contact us.Unexpected error has ocurred. Please...
Barbara Zapico Solomon She graduated in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and ...
Today, relationships are complicated, and being with someone requires constant negotiation.. It i...
He Romanesque had a notable development in Spain thanks to the Santiago's road, a pilgrimage rout...
Romanesque art stands out for being the first Unified Art Of The Western Christian World, develop...
The romanesque sculpture was defined by Saint Gregory the Great as the poor man's bible, that is,...
In the age of technology and communications, there is a phenomenon that is worrying mental health...
Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience in Adult Clinical Psychology, especially in sexua...