Every day a large number of people decide to leave their country. Various reasons such as wars, p...
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Attention is a fundamental mental capacity for survival by allowing us to attend to various envir...
Currently, when you want to investigate about mental disorders In animal experiments, genetically...
If we are talking about someone who thinks that they are trying to kill him, that the police have...
Initially, special schools were considered "mixtures" where there were students of a very diverse...
With the development of new technologies, new ways of experiencing reality appear. In fact, curre...
The world of dreams is one of the areas of the human mind that has generated the most interest. a...
Denis Diderot was a well-known French philosopher and writer, born in the country town of Langres...
Language and communication are of great importance, especially in childhood and in the early deve...
Fears are very useful emotions that for hundreds of thousands of years have helped us avoid all k...
The Rapanui people make up one of the most interesting ethnic groups in Polynesia; As inhabitants...
The study of oppositions to be a police officer in Spain is one of the most popular professionali...